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Olivia's POV

"Liv, You were part of that decision where we decided to be friends. I think we sh-" "Okay, Chris. I get it. I just wanted to know, I guess, if..". I paused, stopping myself from telling him I heard him and Nick arguing about me, and stopping myself from asking him to figure out these complex emotions we had for each other with me. But it's fine. he didn't know what he wanted, but neither did I, really. So I decided to leave after I drank my coffee, hugged them goodbye, and texted Aiden.

-Text with: 00923840 (Add to contacts?)

O: Hey, this is Aiden right?

A: Yep haha, Olivia?

O: yep :)) Oh and btw, about the question that you asked me.. if Chris and I were dating, we're not.

A: Ok phew.

O: Why Phew lol?

A: because now I can ask you out more.. officially

O: what if I don't say yes

A: oh trust me u will

O: confident, wow. mayb even kinda cute...

A: I'll pick u up at 7 (don't even try asking where we're going, it's a surprise)

O: ok (fine I guess :/ :))) ) , here's my address



I called Alahna and told her EVERYTHING about my little run-in with Aiden. "Oh liv, you need to be careful with this guy" "Shit. why. is he one of those fucking cliche heartbreaker 'bad boy' people that the girl in the movie always gets her heart broken by?" "PLEASE- NO HE NOT HE'S REALLY NICE AND SMART " She said, erupting into laughter. "It's just that Aiden's on the lacrosse team with Chris and they're friends, and Chris isn't going to be to happy about you and Aiden". "no but lan, why the fuck does Chris get to be the determiner of the future of my date with Aiden, he couldn't even tell me what I knew he wanted. For someone who's so outgoing and talkative, he couldn't talk when it mattered to me the most." "Cut him some slack liv, no boy ever knows what they want" I bit the inside of my cheek as I laughed with Alahna, "at least Panera boy knows what he wants. Shit maybe I kissed the wrong triplet. "NO LIV, NICK'S GAY" "I fucking meant matt Alahna shut up" I said as a burst out laughing. 

So this meant that I was going. I picked out one of my sister's old dresses, purposely dressing a little too warm for the Boston weather, nudging the chances of the whole oh-you're-cold?-take-my-jacket cliche, which always seemed to make the characters fall in love. Eventually I realised that was stupid, and grabbed a zip up before I left. 

He was waiting outside for me, at 7 sharp. It was refreshing to have a premeditated plan, rather than me just going over to the triplets' house spontaneously. We reached at the Sushi restaurant, and sat down. 

We talked for hours about the future, and our past relationships, and how weird it was that we hadn't spoken to each other before. I told him about my  passions for Music, which grew listening to Chris talk about lyrical lemonade and Nick about Ariana and Billie. He told me about wanting to become a lawyer. It had been a career prominent in his family's timeline. I smiled. By hanging out with the triplets so much, I almost forgot that my initial plan was to keep music on the back burner and to study biology at a university instead. They all wanted a career in YouTube. But I was thankful for them for opening up the option to me, it was all I wanted in the future. 

As he walked me back to my doorstep, he quickly unzipped the zip up off of me, and before I could let out a what are you doing??? he took his jacket and wrapped it around me. "now we can tick off that movie cliche off the checklist" "checklist for what?" "our second and third date" he said, smiling. He inched closer, locking our eyes and him running his fingers through my hair. Before I knew it, he put his lips on mine. we kissed for what seemed like forever, but I liked it. I smelt his cologne that he put on and ran my hands through his hair, floppily, but perfectly placed. 

I liked Aiden, but why was I thinking about Chris during the kiss...?

Chris' POV:

I literally didn't want to talk to anyone about my feelings for Liv. I wanted us to stay best friends, but I also wanted us to be more than that. I wanted to take the risk, but I didn't want to risk my friendship If I told her. What the fuck did I want. 

What the fuck was going on in my head and why couldn't I figure my own feelings out. Did I want her or her friendship? I felt shitty not giving her an answer. 

That morning, before she interrupted me, I was going to tell Olivia that I thought we should try figure out our emotions together. There was obviously something between us. The way she played with my hair, the way I wanted everyone else to just leave us alone when we walked holding hands, the way she looked so effortlessly gorgeous in my t-shirts. 

Fuck. I don't even care about the future of our friendship anymore, I just needed to tell Olivia that I wanted to be more than that. 

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