day 4 Meanwhile

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After the EVERYONE in Canada (including Thursday and his lesbian mother (and for somereason REM, Leafy, Fruti, Bish, Wilber, and Yoshi)) despawned, Deceased Husband stopped turned to the deadest of air, and memecolon changed to most static static. Fin and Dracilaura grabbed weapons, gun and pink sword with a black bat on it and a backwards "redrum" ingraved on it, respectively. They astralprotected to the the tv room (a room that controls every TV) (located in Hong Kong) and gave a speech "we, the furbys are done with human bullshit" (and repeated in everyother language (even dead languages and dead languges)) then promptly shot a nearby human. Dracilaura with Fins gun to her head told Fin the UwU hoes were probably in Canada so they magiced there. Fin could smell the leather patch on wilbers beanie, he put his gun down and ran to the bookshelf and tryed to open the door but it wouldn't open, then it did. Fin seeing leafy and REM dance, he decided to take leafy hostage. REM was on the floor sobbing and the rest of TEH UwU Hoes where too busy fighting off army's of furbs and oddbods.

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