4. Katerina Vera's Day Off

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-Katerina POV-

The plane ride back from Gstaad was silent. I glanced out of the window as the flight crew alerted us of our descent. Santiago was beautiful at sunrise. I always felt warm inside whenever I knew I was returning to my hometown. The mountains glistened thousands of feet below and I could begin to see downtown in the distance. 

What started out as a spontaneous and fun getaway turned into a Fontbona sibling feud. It wasn't the first time and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Though, I wondered when next we'd see Iris, considering our visit hadn't gone unnoticed by the paps and Javier's parents had his phone ringing off the hook with disapproval. Our lost weekend phone rule had been the only protection from the wrath of Google notifications we were getting.

Those notifications didn't bother me as much as the 50 missed calls from my mom. I'd done my best to forget about the storm waiting for me at home after sneaking out but now it was time to face the music. The jet landed back in Santiago just in time for us to head home and get dressed for school. Missing 3 days of school wasn't my worst stunt so I had faith my mother wouldn't be too hard on me.

I'd called a driver to pick us up from the hangar and take us back home. It was a short ride from the airport to Las Condes and I wished it was longer so I could get a longer nap. "You know, every time we do this, I say not to let me fly with a hangover, and yet- ugh, I can't even speak without pain," Anada groaned with her head on my shoulder. She adjusted her big black sunglasses and pushed them higher up over her eyes since the sun was getting brighter. 

I nodded in agreement after exhaling my vape. "The only hangover cure I know," I said, offering her my puffbar. 

"Pass. That'll only make me vomit right now," she declined. 

The car stopped in the circular driveway in front of our home. I admired my home for a moment and took in the beauty of the contemporary natural architecture. It was rare for this area of the city but my mother wanted our home to encapsulate the essence of Chilean nature since it inspired much of her designs. The property built around the trees and movements of the multi-acre land, so much so that our living room opened to a courtyard with live trees inside of it. The high ceilings let them grow to their fullest and our backyard was adorned with well kept floral patches and greenery. The interior of our home was natural and maximilist in the best way. Earthy tones covered the walls with a myriad of textures from tile flooring in bathrooms to plaster accent walls in the dining room. Art that was hung was collected from our travels, and some were even works by my mother and myself. After growing up all over the world, having a home that was full of vibrancy. It was very diffierent than the house, if you could call it that, that I'd grown up in. Seeing it now reminded me of the conversation I'd had with Iris yesterday. I sighed at having to return to reality. "Ladies, we've arrived. I'll bring your bags in for you," our driver said to us. 

"Gracias," Anada and I said politely. 

It was already after 6 so we needed to rush in order to make it to first period. After a quick pitstop in the kitchen for a green juice to wake us up, we both showered in 10 minutes and ran around like chickens with our heads cut off getting ready. The juice was like a shot of adrenaline and coupled with the shower, I was feeling more like myself. "Did you get the english essay done? It took me forever," Anada asked me, shifting through her notebook.

"Mhm, I finsihed my essay early. I wrote about The Odyssey. Odysseus's wife, Penelope and a feminist reimagination of Greek epics," I answered while applying my mascara.

"You make it sound so fascinating," she said with an impressed expression.

I chuckled at her. "English is fascinating. It's just another form of art," I said.

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