Chapter 1 The big bright beautiful world

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As I felt the warm lick of my mother slide across my body I could feel a burst of energy run through me. The way it made me feel was as if I could run for miles and miles. But I still can't see what's around me. 5 days later....... This morning I lay awake. My mother and father have be up for hours but I am just waking up. I open my eyes for the first time and I get up. I walk to my mother and say "mommy! I can see you!" And she replied "wait till you see outside little guy! You'll be amazed." And so later that day, in park hill, I walked with my mother for a long time with the sunlight shining on me. And one time I swear the sun smiled at me. That was one of the happiest days of my life. Soon enough my litter mates could see as well. I'm in a litter of 5. One of my litter mates was named floppy. He looked a lot like me except he has really floppy ears. Then my other brother Trevor. He thinks he's the leader of us and is very stuck up. But deep down he loves cuddles! Then we have Donald, the dumbest dog in history! He runs into screens and falls a lot! It's actually kind of funny! The 2 last one is Lucy. The only girl. But she doesn't act like one! She's just as brave as us boys and doesn't care how she looks! Then that leaves me. I'm Toby. We are all happy golden doodle dogs. Until an accident happens....

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