Chapter 2 The accident

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This morning I wake up to find no mom and no dad. I was frightened because I didn't know what to do. I got up and started walking around the house to try and find them. I even went outside to look for them but I still couldn't find them. All of a sudden owner picked me up and said " what are you doing? Are you looking for your mother and father?" I yipped. He replied "I'll tell you then. Your mother and father were walking together across the road and were hit by a car. I know it's sad, and I don't think I'll be able to handle you guys anymore. I'm sorry but your going to have to get a new family. But don't worry I'll help you get a new family. Your parents.....are dead." That last word made me turn my head in confusion. I was put back with my litter. One day me and my whole litter went on a sale walk thing. We walked around with a sign on each of us saying for sale. It was quiet a sight to see all the humans oooing and ahhing. One day he said I was going to have to go on kijj. And one day I found my perfect match. A family of 6.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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