Getting to Know You

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Chapter 3: Getting to Know You

"What is this for, exactly?" Henna asked, looking at Gothi, "I mean, I've seen you make some weird stuff before, but takes the cake."

The old woman starts writing with her stick as the girl watch, "Burn salve?" She wrinkles her brows in confusion, "I've made your burn salve before. This isn't it." She watched again and leaned back in surprise, "Wait. So, this is specific for dragon burns?" Gothi nodded, "How come I've never seen you make this before? I mean, dragons are attacking the village all the time."

She looks down again and nods, "Okay, I've never seen you make it because you usually keep it in bulk. Got it. So, we're making more now because we've run out." Gothi nods and writes again, "Why do the trainees need it?" She waited, "Special lesson with the ZIPPLEBACK?!"

Henna gets up and run out of the hut. By the time she makes it to the arena, Hiccup is jogging out, "Yeah, see you tomorrow!" he called out, ignoring the astonished look of the other teens, "Wait, what? What just happened?" He stops long enough to grab her arm and pull her with him.

"Let's go!"

"Go where?"

"Back to the drawing board."


"So, the eel worked?" Henna asked, writing in her book as Hiccup was writing out measure on some leather, "It's not just a Night Fury thing?"

"Doesn't seem like it." He held up some parchment, "What do you think?"

"I like it. But will he let you put it on him?"

"We're going to find out."

Together, the twins cut, stitched stuffed leather, hammered metal fastens and buffed their creation to perfection. They worked side by side, designing and building a harness and saddle.

"I like it." Henna nodded, making notes in her journal, "Have you updated your drawings and notes yet? Because I think I'm going to need to make a bigger book."

"Just on the Night Fury." He agreed, nodding in appreciated with his sister.


When they got to the cove the next day, Hiccup held up their work for Toothless to see, only for the dragon to make a weird face and take off.

"Hey!" Hiccup called out, as he started chasing their new friend around, glaring at his sister, "Thanks for the help!"

"Oh, you're doing fine on your own!" She called out, making notes in her book, laughing.

He finally cornered him at the edge of the cover where he hoped on his back and held on for dear laugh. Once Toothless calmed down, Hiccup was able to get the harness fastened and secured. When they finally got up in the air, soaring around the cove, Hiccup tugged on the rope to adjust the tail and sent boy and dragon falling back into the water.

"I thought the point of the new tail was to stay out of the water?" Henna asked, smirking.

"Don't make me pull you in here."

"Ha, ha." She helped him out just as the dragon came over and nudged the pair in himself, "Hey!" The siblings laughed as Toothless stood on the bank shaking himself in mirth, "Is he laughing?"

"I think he is." Hiccup said as they climbed out, "Come on. Let's go dry off. I have a few more ideas to try before the day is over."

"Let's go."

After making some adjustments and adding a metal hook for Hiccup to stay on, they went back to the cove to try again. Henna stayed on the sidelines again, enjoying seeing her brother happy, and took notes on their flight.

How to Train Your Dragon: HennaWhere stories live. Discover now