9: Each With Their Own Schemes

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Liwei grinned when a carriage stopped at the side of the sparring ground, in front of the Lu residence. Lu Baiyu stepped out of the vehicle, a wide smile on his wrinkled face. Liwei snorted and bit into his apple. He chewed as he looked at the old man and his annoying grin.

Lu Baiyu's eyes widened in utter surprise when he saw Liwei standing in front of his house, leaning against the wall and waiting like an old friend. He stood motionless for a brief moment, staring at him.

A faint smile played on Liwei's lips. Swallowing the last bite of his apple, he greeted the stunned old man with a casual wave.

"You're back, old man!" he exclaimed. He tossed the apple core into a nearby garbage can and crossed his arms over his chest. "So, where have you been? I've been here for, like, almost an hour."

He made it sound as if they had agreed to meet. But nothing he said was true. He had only arrived a few minutes before, and he also knew where the old man had been. Judging by his gleeful expression, he must have successfully recruited another disciple. And this disciple was Liwei's most precious pawn, Shu Yue.

Exactly as he expected to happen.

Lu Baiyu narrowed his eyes, his hands balling into fists. "What do you want?" There was a slight tremble in his voice.

Liwei let out a low, amused chuckle. The old man looked so nervous. He couldn't help but find it incredibly funny.

"You look tense, old man; is there something wrong?" Liwei asked, a trace of a smile on his lips. He sauntered over to him and put an arm around his shoulder. They were almost the same height. "How about you get some fresh air and loosen up?"

"I already did what you told me," Lu Baiyu said, his voice low and tense. "I'm sure you were here yesterday, so you should know that the scroll was already used as a reward, so why can't you leave me alone? What else do you want?"

"Oh, you've got it wrong, old man." Liwei chuckled. "I'm not here to greet your family."

When Lu Baiyu stiffened, Liwei almost laughed. Lu Baiyu was still unaware that he was a demon, yet he already feared him so much. What more if he found out about his real identity? Liwei smiled as he reflected on the thought. However, he had no intention of telling anyone the truth, not even a single mortal.

You see, you're not the only one who keeps a secret here, woman.

His lips curved into a smile when he thought of his precious pawn.

"Then why are you here? Why can't you just leave me alone?" Lu Baiyu said through gritted teeth.

Liwei's features darkened. He leaned in closer and whispered in his ear, a wicked smile on his lips. "Since I'm already here, I could just kill everyone inside your house right now. Would you like that?"

The color drained from Lu Baiyu's face, and he instantly bowed his head, trembling. "Please have mercy! I will do whatever you want. Just please spare my family's life!"

Liwei couldn't help but let out a quick, wicked laugh, and his friendly demeanor returned. "Let's take a stroll around to help you loosen up, old man. I'm pretty bored too, so I'm fine accompanying you. Besides, I want to talk to you about something."

Clasping his hands behind his back, Liwei started walking down the street. His smile broadened when he heard footsteps following him from behind. People were so easy to manipulate. Just use fear as a weapon and they would obey you like a dog.

Despite the threat, Liwei had no intention of killing him or his family. Lu Baiyu had yet an important role to play. This old man was Shu Yue's only key to finding Liwei, so Liwei would gladly spare his life. Furthermore, it would be up to that human girl to decide whether or not the old man lives. What mattered most to Liwei was that she find him. But only after she finished the little game he had set up for her.

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