part 4

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My mother won the custody battle after six months. Eventually my dad and I talked over the phone. Through those six draining months he made more open promises to pick me up and let me stay with him. He never went through with them. I didn't buy any of the words he said, I had heard them all now anyways. He would come over sometimes for dinner before mom got custody.  There wasn't much conversation. The table was full of painful silence. Due to the agreement from the judge, I got to sleep over at dads on the weekends. The place was a wreck. It was a small apartment off of central avenue that didn't hold much value. Though I loved my dad, I couldn't handle the awful things he put my mother through. I took out all of that built up anger on him. I knew it wasn't right but it's all I could do to not scream. It would be an ear shattering scream that would maybe make him understand the feeling of hurt. Arguing with him over leaving my mom and blaming him for my emotions never changed anything. No matter how many times he lied I would always love him.

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