The Final Frontier

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As it opens up, we get a shot of the Enterprise in orbit around a planet while Kirk recorded a log entry.

Kirk: Captain's Log, Stardate 2904.2. The USS Apollo, which disappeared one year ago, has apparently sent a transmission from the Echo System, aptly named for it being a clone of Earth's Solar System. We have been assigned to investigate and have traced the transmission to Echo-IV.

Kirk: Standard orbit, Mr. Sulu.

Sulu: Aye captain.

He turned his science and First Officer, Spock.

Kirk: Anything, Mr. Spock?

Spock: I am detecting the Apollo in orbit approximately 2 kilometers in front of us, however I am detecting no signs of her crew.

Sulu: We are approaching her now.

Kirk: On screen.

The View Screen flickered to show the Hermes class ship, however, she looked badly damaged. There were burn marks all over her. She looked like she had been through a battle with a Klingon battlecruiser. Once they were close enough, the sensors picked up something.

Spock: Captain, sensors are picking up a residual transporter pattern.

Kirk: So the crew could've beamed down to the planet?

Spock: Correct. The trail appears to be leading to an island in the Gulf of Mexico.

Kirk turned to the intercom.

Kirk: Dr. McCoy, meet us in the Transporter Room.

And he turned off the intercom.

Kirk: Spock, with me. Chekov, you have the bridge.

Chekov: Aye sir.


In the Transporter Room, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy prepared to beam down, with McCoy grumbling as usual.

McCoy: I still don't understand why we can't take a perfectly good shuttlecraft down!

Spock: Doctor, given the amount of shuttlecraft that we have lost or destroyed in the last five years, it is logical to limit the damage we cause.

McCoy just sighed; he hated it when Spock was right.

Kirk: Gentlemen, let's not make this another one of your arguments again. Energize.

Scotty turned on the Transporter and the three of them disappeared onto the planet's surface.


On the planet, in a school called Omnia Academy, a girl known as Melony was busy learning how to control her deity powers when she noticed everyone seemed to be rushing outside.

Dr. Kawaishima: What's going on?

Student: There's another spaceship in the sky!

And he kept running. Dr. Kawaishima turned to his class.

Dr. Kawaishima: Class dismissed!

And he ran to join everyone else outside. Melony walked out into the hallway and was able to catch her friend, Meggy.

Melony: Meggy, what's going on? What does everybody mean when they said they were going to go see the 'other spaceship?'

Meggy: I don't know Melony, but hopefully Captain Hale will be able to tell us what it is.

Soon, they were outside the school and saw their friends, Bob, Boopkins, Luigi, SMG4, SMG3 and even Mario.

Meggy: Hey guys!

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