Prologue:Fall from the garden

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>>Where... where am I!!!<<

Leon looked hastily from left to right,
>>it's bright...<<

Leon looked at himself and was frozen


>>How can this be why do I look like a kid right now!?<<

Leon looked around in despair and thought what kind of world is this and suddenly he saw something.

>>Wait a minute, that's mom and dad...<<

Leon ran to his parents and they smiled at him and took his hand, Leon was very happy, they walked through the beautiful green meadow Leon held them both by the hands and smiled the sun was shining on the meadow,

>>Today is such a beautiful day<< said Leon's mother.

Animals like a lion ore a parrot whas there too and then Leon's friend Nico suddenly showed up and Eve was there too(leon's loveinterest) the two were also in child form, they were all having fun for Leon it seemed like the best day of his life, he was never so lucky to experience auch a thing. Leon was now lying on the meadow with the others, he just smiled, he was so happy that he even cried. the meadow felt soft so soft as if you were gliding smoothly through it, but what leon didn't notice is that he was doing it too the last thing leon saw before he passed out is that he was falling from paradise down to hell. When he was falling a tear came out of him.

When Leon woke up, his head hurt

>>Argh I must have passed out<<.

He was tied to a large cross with chains and a dove sat on leon's head Leon looked around and had to start laughing >>Hahaha... it was clear that this supposed paradise didn't last, tzz no luck for Leon.<< This world was dark and lonely, the complete opposite of the world before, Leon tried to free himself from the chains but it didn't work
>>Well you're probably having fun up there<<
said Leon to the dove.
The dove pooped on Leon's head and then flew away. Leon looked after her and screamed
>>you bastard !!!<<
and suddenly a large square stone fell on Leon, he looked hopelessly.
Leon was relieved of the cross but was still in chains
>>the stone probably only broke the cross luckily<<      Leon got up and started to walk but all of a sudden the world started to tip over and Leon fell down>>Argh<< and it suddenly rattled very loudly, Leon was lying on the ground and out of nowhere a huge square stone fell right in front of him Leon popped his eyes and mouth wide and yelled loud >>Haaa<< afraid that he might get caught, by one he just kept running in panic and the stones behind him was falling down. Leon started to laugh desperately

<<so this is hell, the place that is really meant for me hahaha it was somehow clear no luck for leon no rest for leon only suffering in this world.<<

Leon keep ranning away in panic, he looked up he looked horrified a huge stone fell directly on him


screamed Leon he jumped to the side and fell on the ground

>>Hahaha I did it Huh wait a minute<<

Leon looked at his left arm


Leon left arm was off and was spurting out blood >>he's gone he's off fuck<<

But he couldn't take a rest because the stones are still falling all the time so he tried with all his last strength to get up and keep running and suddenly he heard several spiteful laughter Leon looked back and saw 14 huge monsters laughing at him he just looked desperate and kept walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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