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Although their hope was raised by the sight of the blue star shining up above them like a beacon, the weather quickly dulled them. It was hot, the sun was high and there were no clouds to provide cover. The wind had died and without it their sails were useless. The crew were in the hull, pulling on the oars as the ship crept forwards. Their water was running out and their food was restricted to rations to make it last. The crew was hungry and the conditions were worsening. Otto could hear the mutters stirring. A starved and overworked crew was not good. 

"The wind has left us", Drinian stated. Caspian was gazing out at the water below with a frown while Edmund watched Eustace flap around the ship. The gold dragon sending light shimmering over the deck with the refection of his scales. Otto had been practising his spear forms on the deck but he stopped to push the sweat from his brow. One hand rubbed the hair from his forehead as he sighed. 

"How are going to get to the island now?" Edmund sighed. 

"It's almost like something doesn't want us to get there", Otto responded as he rested his spear against the mast and walked over. He pulled on his shirt, flapping the material to get some air to his chest. The sun was overbearing. 

"If this goes on any longer, the crew may eat the dragon", Drinian commented. Up above them, Eustace scowled, the expression perfectly clear despite the change in form. 

"Aunt Alberta will definitely not like that", Edmund groaned. "It's bad enough he's a dragon". 

"A pretty cool dragon though", Otto grinned up at Eustace. "Who else can say that they turned into a terrifying dragon?" Eustace let out a huff of air and gave Otto the approximation of a pleased look before flapping off. Otto chucked and went to lean on the rails next to Caspian. 

"The ocean looks wonderfully cool", he muttered. Caspian gave him a sideways smile. 

"I know. I was just debating jumping in. Anything to rid us of this accursed heat". He sighed and tucked his hair behind his ears. Otto let his gaze flit over Caspian's face. The sun brought out copper in his hair and his eyes were as dark as night. He doubted he'd ever get tired of simply looking at him. It was a privilege. 

Caspian noticed him staring and turned his head to stare right back. Otto watched those dark eyes move then a small smile bloom on his face. "Your hair has streaks of gold in the sunlight", he muttered, one hand reaching out to run through the strands. It was growing out now and tickling his neck. 

"Makes sense. I was blonde as a child, before my hair darkened to this mousey brown", Otto huffed at it. "Its a bit of a boring colour". 

"Not to me", Caspian murmured. "Or did you forget that Telmarines are all dark haired? The only beings I have seen with gold hair are narnians, and you and Peter".

Otto made a tsk noise. "I'm definitely more attractive than Peter". 

Caspian laughed. "On that I agree. I wanted to punch Peter when I met him. I only ever thought of kissing you". He leaned close with a flirty grin.

Otto shoved him back with one hand as a bashful smile tugged at his lips and red infused his cheeks. He turned his gaze away back to the water with a roll of his eyes. "The heat must be affecting your mind", he declared loudly. "I think Caspian has heat stroke". Caspian was chuckling silently as he watched Edmund approach. 

"Does he?" Edmund grinned as he took in Caspian's smug grin and Otto's amused expression. "However are we to cope if the king is consumed by heat stroke? Or is he just being a charmer again?" The second sentence was aimed at Otto, who rolled his eyes. 

"He is always a charmer but it's getting worse", Otto complained. Edmund and Caspian both laughed. 

"You say that but was it not you who turned on the charm yesterday?" Caspian asked with a sly grin. Otto put on the innocent expression he was so good at. (It had gotten him out of a lot of trouble back when he and Peter were in school). 

"Who? Me? I don't recall. I am a simple traveller to this land. A boy just here for adventure and not to be seduced by fairytale princes". He brushed his hair back in a disinterested way as Edmund began cracking up. 

"Oh really?" Caspian hummed. He opened his mouth to say something in reply, probably another flirtation, when the ship gave and almighty shudder. Yells and crashes filled the air as the crew tumbled. Otto was knocked off his feet, boots slipping on the varnished deck. He hit the wood hard and gasped as another weight landed on him.

"What have we hit?" Drinian called as he stood up. Edmund looked up from where he was sprawled across the deck, he had fallen with his legs up in the air which made Otto grin. 

"Eustace, that's brilliant!" He cried out. Otto shoved at Caspian as he strained his head to see. Eustace had wrapped his dragon tail around the prow of the ship and was pulling them along as he flew. The ship now moving much faster than the oars had allowed them. As the crew picked themselves up off the floor, relieved cheers rung out as the golden dragon pulled them onwards. 

"Need a hand?" Caspian smirked as he stood up. His boots planted on either side of Otto's hips. The sandy haired boy squinted at him in the sunlight but held out an arm. The king took it and heaved him up onto his feet. 

"Now that we're getting somewhere", Caspian glanced over at Eustace. "Let's go inside. This sun is blinding". 

"Heat stroke, I told you". Otto nudged him then swung an arm around his waist. Caspian chuckled as he placed an arm over Otto's waist in return. 

"How was I supposed to be inside when my crew were suffering under the sun? Also it's nice to watch you train love". Caspian pressed a kiss to Otto's cheek and the other boy smiled.

"Keep the couple stuff to a minimum please", Edmund grumbled from behind them as they climbed the seps up to the navigation room. "Some of us would like to remain untainted".

"Go back to England then", Otto shot back. 

"I would if I could, only to spare my poor eyes. Watching Peter go through puberty twice was bad enough". 

"You'd marry your sword if you could", Otto snorted. 

"My sword doesn't talk back", Edmund grinned. 

"I like it when they talk back", Caspian murmured, accent thick and gaze heavy as he stared at Otto's face. "Keeps me on my toes". 

Edmund groaned loudly. "Yeah he's got heat stroke. Let's get him into the shade quick". Otto laughed as he and Edmund strong armed a rather amused Caspian inside. 


hello, I'm back. here is a cute update for you of Caspian being flirty, Otto and Edmund being sibs (Otto is an adopted pevensie) and Otto and Edmund teasing Caspian. 

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