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"Gael!" Lucy's voice rung out as the monster loomed up above them. The dim light of their lanterns through the fog did nothing to hide how hideous the thing was. Otto thought that it looked like some kind of acid green snake that'd had it's head trampled on by a boot. It was squished and deformed with tiny little eyes and a mouth full of sharp pointy teeth that flashed in the light as it hissed at them. 

Gael was crouched against the railings closest to the thing. Lucy ran across the deck, the rest of them behind her as everyone raised their weapons at the thing. She grabbed Gael by the arm and pulled her away and behind Edmund. Otto coming to stand at his friend's side as they both pointed their blades up at the beast. He doubted one sword and a spear would do much against a creature of that size but he felt better having something sharp between him and it. For a terrifying second the sea serpent stared down at them. Then there was a roar and a blaze of flames swept over the thing's face. 

Eustace came swooping from the gloom with claws outstretched. He latched on to the serpent's head and began ripping at the toughened skin. The serpent roared and smacked it's head into the side of the ship. Eustaced scales tearing grooves into the wood and wings snapping sone of the rigging. Otto spotted a tiny figure leap from the dragon's back and drive it's sword into the Serpent's jaw with a cry. "For Narnia!" The thing let out a wailing shriek and tossed it's head. Reepicheep went flying into the rigging of the ship whil Eustace was sent spinning through the air. The dragon lighted himself with his wings just before he hit the water then came turning back round again. Only this time the serpent caught the dragon in it's jaws and was diving underwater. 

Otto raced round to the other side of the ship with Edmund and Lucy on his heels as the serpent burst from the water. It threw Eustace into a rock where the dragon crumpled at the impact. Otto winced, that looked like it hurt. But Eustace was not defeated. As the serpent reared back to lunge, most open wide, Eustace pulled himself up and let loose a torrent of flames. The orange fire filled the beast's mouth and the serpent howled, thrashing before hitting the water and disappearing underneath. For a second Otto let out a sigh. Maybe Eustace had killed it?

"Out creature!" Lord Rhoop screamed as he pushed his was to the rails and threw his sword. 

"The sword!" Caspian shouted as the blade spun through the air and embedded itself into the flesh of Eustace's shoulder. 

"Eustace!" Lucy and Otto exclaimed in synch, worry filling their voices, as the dragon roared out in pain. With a flap of golden wings Eustace was up and taking off into the distance. 

"No! Come back!" Lucy called after him. In the water, Otto spotted a tail splash. He paled and backed away from the edge. It seemed that they weren't lucky enough for the serpent to be killed so easily. 

"Someone stop him!" A cry went up. Otto turned and caught a glimpse of Rhoop grabbing ahold of the wheel before the whole ship was shuddering and he was going down. Confused and panicked voices filling the air as everyone was knocked off their feet. The ship twisting round sharply. 

"Aft crew!" Drinian's voice commanded as they all began to pick themselves up. It seems that the captain had knocked Rhoop out. "To you rowing positions and make haste!" 

Otto stumbled to his feet and reached out a hand to pull Lucy up after him. He spotted Edmund a couple of feet away and Caspian was standing on the other side of the deck by the prow deck. For a brief glimpse, Otto managed to exchange a glance with him as the ship moved forwards. Dark eyes seeking his in reassurance. Then there was a horrific screeching and the serpent burst from the water and launched itself over the ship in a spray of water. Otto threw himself to the deck to avoid a sharp toothed mouth and was promptly drenched in sea water. The beast's head crashed into the railing and broke through the wood as it dived under the water again, long body wrapping round the ship as it came up the other side. Men screamed they were knocked flying. Edmund and Lucy had disappeared from his sight and the sea serpent was blocking Caspian from view. 

Otto slid somehow onto his feet. The deck was awash in water and the ship was creaking dangerously as the serpent contracted around it. He gripped his spear and let out a cry of surprise as the massive serpent head reared up above him then dover down. He twisted out of the way, half skidding on the floor as the head cracked the boards under his feet. He quickly rammed his spear forwards and there was a ear splitting shriek as the point buried itself into it's eye. The serpent pulled it's head back and Otto gripped his spear. That was a mistake. The blade had managed to catch on the bone of the creature's eye socket and as it's head rose, Otto was lifted off his feet and held dangling from the shaft of his spear. 

"Otto!" He heard Edmund screaming at him as he kicked his legs. He was high, the same level as the crows nest at the top of the mast as the Serpent roared. The spear pommel shook and he gripped tighter, feet hanging over air. The serpent twisted it's head and he yelped as the spear moved with it. He swung from it like a flag as the creature tried to shake him off. 

"Otto!" Lucy. He twisted from where he hung, spotting her by the steps to the wheel deck. She had a recognisable bow in her hands and an arrow notched. "Move!" Otto gritted his teeth and let go. He fell and as he was falling he saw an arrow embed itself in the creature's forehead. Then he was hitting the slimy body where it was wrapped around the ship and bouncing off towards the water. For a second Otto feared that he would disappear beneath the dark sea but then something grabbed his wrist and he was pulled to a painful halt. 

Otto looked up. Edmund was leaning over the railing, his hand clamped around Otto's wrist. The boy gave him a grimace. "Hey Birch. How's it hanging?" 

Otto laughed as he preached out with his other hand to grab for a handhold. "You prat". Edmund grinned then he was pulling the taller boy up, Otto helping by finding handholds and pushing himself up. Then they were both collapsing on deck in a tangle of limbs straight into the puddles of seawater. Otto groaned as he pushed himself up. Edmund making a similar exhausted noise next to him. He lifted his gaze and paused as he spotted something to the ship's left. 

"Edmund. The rocks", he pointed. Edmund looked up and his eyes lit up as he caught onto the same idea. 

"Caspian!" He called as they both got to their feet. Caspian was at the wheel above and Otto was glad to see that the man was okay. "The rocks! Try and hit it on the rocks". 

"We need to get it by the prow!" Caspian replied. 

"I'll keep it occupied!" Edmund was shouting as he began running across the deck. Otto snatched up a cutlass from the floor and gripped it tightly. His spear still lodged in the creature's eye. As he looked up, it was to see Edmund disappearing onto the dragon headed prow and flicking his torch on. 

"Come and get me!" 


this is a really long fight scene and of course Otto is getting into trouble. who had missed our English boy and his fantasy prince? 

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