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She's trapped in a glass box with fire surrounding her. The brunette haired girl backed herself into the corner of the box. She's terrified of what she could be capable of. Her siblings Wanda and Pietro are on her left and right. Every now and then over the crackling and sizzling of the flames she would hear a thud hit the wall on her left. The flames would come and go, with each time her hair got a red tinge, starting with the tips working their way upward.

Wanda and Pietro are her siblings and all three of them happen to be triplets. Pietro being the oldest, Wanda being the second oldest, and her being the youngest. She doesn't remember how she got talked into this testing in the first place. The last couple of hours, days? She couldn't remember how long it has been since she stepped into the building for testing with Hydra.

She couldn't really hear what anyone was saying considering she was constantly surrounded by flames. She was scared. The two people she would go to when she was scared were also trapped in glass boxes right beside her. Her form of comfort was putting her head on the wall that had Pietro on the other side.

When would the fire stop? When could she run into the arms of her siblings? All she wanted was for her to be with them again. To know that she wasn't alone and there weren't faces watching her through the fire. All she wanted was to be safe, go home and have her parents back. Whisk them away from their terrible fate. Being crushed by broken walls and ceiling. All because of Tony Stark.

She just wanted to go home. That's all the brunette wanted. Home when everything was fine. Where her parents were alive and they could be themselves. Normal childhood, a normal life.

The fire told her differently.

|Chapter: 00. Prelude

Word count: 320 

Hey everyone! I remember writing out this story awhile ago and I just ask for patience with this book because I just want it to be written for fun. 

Odette <3 |

Odette <3 |

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