Finally home again (15)

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Chapter 16 : Finally home again

Phil was on his way to tommy hoping he will find him. The others told everyone what they did and they all tried to calm each other down, Purpled was more said and not calm then everyone. He stayed with the kids at Technos house so always get updated. Techno helped Purpled calm down everytime he would start crying thinking Tommy will never come back.

  With Phil

Phil was away for a week already and he found so many Villages but never Tommy.

Philza: i found another Village
Technoblade : alright , tell me if you see tommy
Philza : will do Mate

Philza looked around and didnt see Tommy at first but after good 10minutes he finally saw him and ran up to him

,,Tommy!" Tommy was on his way to his new ,home' when he saw Phil , he knew himself he couldnt call this his home ever and that he cant hide forever. Home was where Purpled was.. home is not a place. Home is where your loved ones are.

,,Phil?.." Phil hugged Tommy really tight and he hugged back

,,I- how!?-"

,,It doesnt matter how! Im just so happy that i finally found you!"

,,Lets go insinde my new ,home'..." they went inside and Phil wrote Techno without Tommy knowing

Philza : i found tommy , we're at *idk man*
Technoblade : ok good. Ask him to come home. His ,husband' is crying again and its getting annoying.
Philza : alright mate , try to calm him down

,,So for how long have you searched for me?..." Tommy said while placing two cups of tee on the table

,,Well we looked for you like 2-4months but then stopped and now i looked for you again since a week because Purpled wanted me to. He was the only one who didnt give up" Tommy smiled a bit but then remembered Purpleds words.

,,Please come back Tommy. Purpled wont stop crying. He misses you really and so does everyone too. You have been gone for almost... eh-"

,,7months. i dissapeared 7months ago." Phil smiled soft

,,You have to come back Tommy.. everyone misses you"

,,I cant. I guess you read my letter to Purpled?" Phil nodded

,,I already said in that why i cant. I dont want to hurt anyone anymore... i already hurt everyone enough.."

,,And your hurting everyone more if you stay away. running away isnt a way to not hurt anyone because it hurts to not know where a person you love is Tommy.." Tommy thought about it and stood up going to the kitchen , Phil followed him

,,Here.. give this to purpled when you get back.. tell him im sorry and that i love him..(Platonic!!)" Tommy gave Phil a rose , and a teddy

,,How about you come and give it him yourself?"

,,How? I cant and you know that."

,,Of course you can , just fly like i do." Tommy sighed and gave up

,,Fineeee... but.. dont tell Techno. If i come back its suposse to be a suprise.. i will first tell the kids and the rest of my plan i will tell you on the way back.."

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