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It all started when Aliana was going home from school when all sudden she was hit by a car. All she felt was blood falling down her face and breathing heavily. She was trying so hard to stay alive for her little brother and her family at home.  But she couldn't handle the pain so she let go and her final words was "I love you Henry" for her little brother.

When she woke up she thought she would be in heaven awaiting her turn to go in the gates, but she was completely wrong.  She was reborn in Aliana Gilbert's body from TVD.  She was excited but also nervous and scared.  Luckily for Alana she knew everything that was going on with Vampire Diaries because matter of fact she was so obsessed with that show.  The problem was she didn't know what season or episode she was in and who body was she in.  And that was a problem.

She got up and went the mirror and when she saw that she was in Aliana Gilbert's body she freaked out because Aliana was her favorite character in The Vampire Diaries.  But she noticed seven tattoos on body (mostly on her arms) she realized that she had seven soulmates.  She fell in love instantly with her life and was ready to be the bad/boss bitch she was and still is.  She was still upset that she left her baby brother and her family but she knew they would get over and move on like she has to do.  And she did just that.

Read and Find Out how Alana Wilson gets reborn into Aliana Gilbert and her life gets turn upside with her soulmates.

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