Chapter 3

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Aliana's POV

I decided to drive Shadow because it will be a thrill to see other student's mouths wide open in shock on how I got an expensive car.  While I was driving to school a lot of crows just went right into my driving direction.  It scared the shut out of me so I pulled over for a minute to check I was ok and then I got back on the road.  I was pretty shaken up because the only time that happened in the show, it only happen to Bonnie and Elena. 

I finally made it to school and if I got a dollar everytime someone looked at me with surprise and disbelief, I would have over a thousand.

School (Still Aliana's POV)

While I was walking into school, I saw Bonnie and Elena talking when all a sudden Caroline came barging into their conversation.  I am not surprised because that is what Caroline does.  She was nice but she wouldn't know if it wasn't a bad time or not to make a "truthful joke" has everyone puts it. But enough about Caroline and let's get back to the story.

"Omg Elena! How are you? Oh, it's so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?"  Caroline said to Elena and then Bonnie.

Elena was getting annoyed that her friend was asking Bonnie about her like she wasn't there.  She finally spoke up and said "Caroline look I am fine, so let's go to class before we are am late.

After that they started walking to class gossiping about school and about the town gossip they heard.  It was mostly Caroline while Bonnie and Elena were listening, like usual.  Since I was reborn, I will need to fit in as Aliana so no one see that I am acting weird.  First, I am going to need Aliana's old schedule because I really don't know her schedule.

I was walking to the office to get the schedule when I see Jeremy going to the boys bathroom and Elena following him.  So I knew what's going to happen so I decided to follow them.  When I got into the bathrooms, Elena was already yelling at him.  She wanted me to back her up but I stayed silent.  The drama was getting boring so I left.  When I took a couple steps of the bathroom I bumped into someone.

Sorry I didn't post in awhile! I am going to try more often.  I made it a little longer for u guys.

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