Act 2 Pt 2

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After the transmission ended, Lagarto and Switch made sure everything was off before removing the bag and collar off of Alex.

"Lo siento. I had to make it convincing", the lizard bowed apologetically.


Switch saw a guilty look on Alex's face.

He thought about Barria's voice. How full of concern and guilt it held. "Is it possible to..... convince her and the others with the information for extra help?"

"And how would you explain your absence to them? Would they even believe you?", Lagarto asked.

"They will. They are good people, even Marks."

"I don't know about that", Switch doubted.

"I spent time with them so-

"And you did the same with Prime. What if they knew the truth about the prison incident and condoned it?", the retired villain argued back.

"Barria and Aqua are not like that! Not even Quick or Marks would accept that."

"Listen, Alex. Your closeness with them may be your weakness."

Alex tilted his head quizzically.

"He means that even if they accept the truth, what can they do against Prime? Do you want them to die?", Lagarto clarified.

Alex trembled from what he said. That was a possibility. They would go all out to stop an impossible obstacle. It would be his fault that lives would be lost. Just like last time.

"And what if they ask questions?"

"That's what our technopath will help you with tomorrow. You must not tell them anything."

"Fine", Alex said with reluctance.

"I'm going to go and check what needs to be done around the ship. What do you want to do?"

"Are there some metal parts I can play with?"

"I know the perfect place for that. Follow me", the lizard offered.

Brooke was waiting outside for them, and she followed them to a miniature junkyard. Some of it had been dissolved, dented from punches, and a variety of different powers have been applied to them.

"Best place to work on your anger issues", the lizard hybrid explained.

Alex took off his green sweater to reveal a white t-shirt. Brooke couldn't help but notice his muscular biceps and triceps. His wide and tapered back. She shook off the dirty thoughts that were popping in her head. She had to accept that things were too different for them to be together. There was also another reason why.

Alex stepped onto a car and raised his hands. The metal parts and the car he is on top levitated. Brooke's eyes widened in wonder.

He "drove" the car around and then jumped off. He made some of the scrap as a landing platform and he made a crushing motion with his hands. The car caved inward from both sides and he attacked it with license plates, metal cans, and everything else he could find. The plates pierced the car, and he held it all in place into a giant ball. He "flew" over to it using the scraps and jumped on top of the ball. He widened his fingers, and the ball expanded showing a large, clear opening.

He then sent it flying at the other parts of the scrapyard before dropping down safely. Metal clashes against other pieces of metal. Lagarto was impressed and glad that Alex didn't use those methods against him during their getaway. Alex heard clapping from Brooke.

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