The Gate

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The sun lazily hung low on the west.

Anna slowly sat on the damp grass, rain pouring on her head, drenching every part of her skin. nobody would be able to tell if those were tears or water.

"What are you doing here?" A rough, hoarse yet feminine voice knocked Anna out of her delirium. She looked over; barely capturing any of the woman's features as her face was covered with a lether coat.

"Oh.." she replied, she felt her tongue numb, as though it forgot how to pronounce any sound at all

She swept her wet fringes behind and got up to her feet. heels turning to the horse that she tied to a tree trunk.

"It's not safe for a young lady like you to be out after the is sun is set." The woman uttered. Her head slightly raised this time.

She looked over her shoulder, "So?" Her reply short.

"Let me take you home—" she paused. "I will take you home."

"I can go by myself." Anna's voice stubborn.

"You don't want to witness what will happen if you do not consent me to take you to your home."

The women's words struck an un-known stealth in her gut.

"Okay." The stubbornness in her voice was replaced with fear now.



The sky got cleared as the rain stopped by the time they've reached at an enormous, golden gate. Beneath stood an art deco, abandoned building.

The air around her felt eerie.

"I've never seen this before." Anna's eyes searched for the women.

Weird. She mumbled

She got ready to get off the horse to search around but her instincts pulled her back.

She turned the horse to her way. When she turned her head back she saw nothing but a brick wall. Knots twisted in her stomach.

Raconteur: Story TellerWhere stories live. Discover now