a grand ball

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the maids opened the grand doors to the ball room. It was lit with candles all around the room with an enormous chandelier hanging in the center of it as the marble floor reflected it. The maids were still lighting up the candles and the room hasn't been crowded yet. So Ruth and Meira dragged the chair from the table and sat there, taking all the details of the decoration

"Guess mum is trying to find a husband for you for the thousandth time and for you to reject it for another millionth time, " Meira said, sipping the water.

"Or, perhaps maybe, this time this one is for you." Ruth muttered, pulling the neck of her bodice and trying to blow air into it.

"I'm the youngest, for your information. Ain't no girl in the town got married before their oldest," Meira said in a defending tone.

"Will see.... "


Time passed and the first family entered with a gift of 10 golden goblets that were wrapped in scarllet satin. Ruth took them as she bowed, slowly placing the gift on the guest table.

Soon after the ball room filled with people and the queen commanded to start music. And just then did Ruth see whiskers jumping from chair to another. (Tun! Tun!)

"Meira! Meira the deaf!" Ruth whisper shouted, disturbing Meira from the sweet and lovey dovey conversation with a French guy.

"Go away!" Meira side eyed Ruth with a scowl on her face.

"Oh wait! Have we met before?" The French guy interrupted.

Ruth awkwardly laughed and dragged Meira to a corner, closing the long drapes so no one could find them, leaving the French guy confused.

"I think, I just saw Whiskers," Ruth finally announced, breaking the suspense bubble.

"What? Where?" Meira almost yelled, containing her excitement.

"He was hopping on the chairs. I don't know, I could be hallucinating in the loss of him." Ruth shrugged, once again raising the suspense bubble.

"Alright, we can take of her later. But we have to go attend the ball otherwise mum is going to be really furious. You know that right?

Seriously, Meira? Thie could be our only chance to bring him back, " Ruth said in disbelief.

I know that, but we can't risk getting caught outside of the ball room by mum or any of the gaurds. So please," Meira requested, brushing rhe back of the Ruth's hand.

"But-" Meira swiped her finger on Ruth's lips and shushed, dragging her back into the crowded ball room.

"Apologies for the abrupt disappearance. My sister wanted some help." Meira said, smiling to the French guy. "His name is taehyung, " Meira whispered, covering her mouth with her left hand while right was in this new taehyung's hand.

"Ruth, why don't you find yourself a partner too?" The queen suggested. "Or do you want me to select one for you? " She said, smirking.

"Oh mother, it's alright, " She replied.

"Oh prince Jimin, would you like a dance with my sweet daughter, " The queen requested.

"Mum!" Ruth blushed, biting the inside of her cheek whlist fiddling with her long drapes of her dress.

"Oh my majesty, it would be an honour!" Jimin said, turning to face Ruth.

"Ruth, if you may" Jimin offered an hand like a gentleman that he is!.

"uh-oh yes of course. Sure!" Ruth stammered, taking his hand

"Oh my majesty, it would be an honour!" Jimin said, turning to face Ruth.

Ruth and Jimin moved to the center of the room. The room started spin as jimin grabbed the left side of her hip and her right hand gently as she felt adrenaline swirl up inside her. Jimin grabbed both sides of her waist, lifting her from the floor. She threw her hand back, wincing at the sore and throbbing pain from the scar the arrow gave her last night..

The music grew loud as the other people also joined in, letting the rhythm control their movements. The people around them dissolved as he drew her closer to his chest.

She began to withdraw herself from him, but his coffee brown eyes glistened and a smile spread across his face. She couldn't help but pull him closer as his golden locks fell over his eyes, like a curtain blocking out the sunlight.

They exchanged partners, where Jimin took Meira and the French guy grabbed Ruth. "I swear, we have met before, but somewhere dark." He started already playing with her patience.

Raconteur: Story TellerWhere stories live. Discover now