100 questions p3

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Tagged bu alltoooweeell

hogwarts house?


favourite Harry Potter movie/book?

chamber of secrets, prisoner of azkaban, half blood Prince

favourite Harry Potter character?

Tom Riddle, Minnie, Mione, Newt, Dobby, etc

hottest Harry Potter boy?

Ughhh this is so hard!!! Tom, Mattheo, Lorenzo, Draco, Theodore, Newt, Oliver, Harry, James, Sirius, Remus, etc

favourite professor in hogwarts?

Minnie obviously

opinions about harry potter?

I would sell my soul to be a part of them

favourite class?

DADA and Potions

favourite weasley?

the twins 4 life

if you're a hogwarts student, who will you be friends with?

Apart from my love interests, Pansy, Blaise, Luna

do you hate umbitch?

Is that even a question 😃🔪


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