Texting and Driving

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I have to admit, even writing this down it still feels completely fake, but it happened. I have always been into spankings. Been fascinated with the concept of them since I was 10 and found out one of my friends got spanked. Ever since it's been all I can think about. I never wanted to experience being spanked, I only ever wanted to give a spanking.

I gave up on this quest in my teens because I was fearful that if people found out, I'd be outcast. You see, my fantasy is to spank a man, but I'm straight. The only kink in my straightness is that I love the idea of reducing another man to sobbing tears. It's the only thing that gets me off that has to do with men. I have never sought out the opportunity, and the girlfriends I've spanked over the years have never satisfied the itch. But I promised myself that I would never spank someone who it wouldn't be natural for me to spank. Someone that it was natural for me to have authority over and not a stranger. It had to be a man I knew.

Obviously I'm writing this story because it happened. But I wanted to share the way it happened in case someone out there is like me and needs to know it's possible. Also, maybe this can be a guide. I wouldn't put money on this working again, but I wouldn't have thought it would work for me this time either.

Let's set the story up with context. My name is Diego Herrera, I'm 30 years old, my father is Mexican and my mother is from New York. I was raised in the Bronx, New York by my mom predominantly because my dad got messed up with drugs and went away to jail. Being raised by a single mom meant I lacked any father-figure, and I think that led to my fascination in spanking. I'm 5'9", have dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and I keep myself fit and toned. Now, don't get me wrong, I keep myself in good shape, but this isn't one of your typical stories on this site where it's your dream fantasy muscular guy. My muscles are average and my workout routine is lacking. I think my good metabolism and my physically demanding job is why I keep in good shape. Plus I like to play Soccer with a few friends on the weekend. I would say I'm pretty damn handsome myself, but I'm not about to become a model. My teeth aren't straight, my nose is a big crooked, and I've never found a haircut that suits me, so I wear it short. I do well in other departments, if you know what I mean.

The story starts in my apartment one afternoon. I had the guys over for a couple beers and to watch the latest Soccer game. I had it recorded since we all have terribly different schedules and we were watching the game on a Friday evening. It all started with Jonathan, my buddy from high school, talking about how a player was behaving like a little brat. I went to the kitchen to grab more snacks because my mind immediately went to spanking, and my dick got hard in my sweatpants. I didn't want the guys to see. From the kitchen I could hear the conversation. "My dad woulda whooped my ass if I behaved like that," Jonathan said finishing his beer.

"He's a grown ass man," Teddy replies. Teddy is a guy I met through my ex-girlfriend. Somehow when we broke up, we had enough in common that he still wanted to be around me. I always felt he was hiding something, and I had a suspicion that he was gay or bi. Just the way he looked at certain guys made me think that. He had a girlfriend when I first met him but he's been single for over a year and always turns down any advances from women at bars.

"Still do him good," Jonathan says with a grin. "My dad says you're never too old for a good spanking to work." At this point I'm leaking pre-cum. I would love to take that bratty player over my knee and give him a good spanking. More than anything in this world. "You ever coming back, D?" Jonathan asked me. Everyone calls me D instead of Diego.

"Yeah yeah, I'm just slow," I say with a laugh and try to think about anything else. I strategically walk back into my living room and sit down. I grabbed a blanket and threw it over my lap. I couldn't get this hard-on down, and I was afraid that I'd start leaking through my boxers and gray sweatpants.

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