Revenge, in its Purest Form

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"When I first met Marta, she made me nervous. I had never seen anyone as sure of themself as her. Because of that, I didn't really trust her. Until her parents started fighting all the time and she basically moved in with us for a few months." The cheerleaders ended in a stance, Hallie and Marta tonguing at each other. Yep, that's definitely Cassie and Maddy. The crowd applauding loudly. Everything quieting down a bit as they once again cut off the lights, things moving about on stage. The stage changed, this time a replica of Lexi's and Cassie's bedroom. Marta and Hallie joking and cheering with Lexi there watching them playfully. They stopped shortly after, Marta bringing Lexi over to sit at their vanity, as she started doing Lexi's makeup.

"No, I don't know." Lexi shook her head, unsure of the makeup idea at first before Marta finally got her to sit and accept the makeover.

"D'ya like it?" Marta smiled, pulling away for a second as Lexi laughed at herself in the mirror.

"I feel stupid."

"What? Everyone feels stupid. Who cares?" Marta leans back in, going to fix Lexi's lipliner.

"You feel stupid?"

"Yeah, I did. And then I just chose not to feel stupid."

"I don't know if... I can.. really get to that point."

"90 percent of life is confidence. And the thing about confidence is no one knows if it's real or not." I nod a bit to myself, finding myself agreeing with Maddy's words of wisdom.

"Okay, okay, I'm not running a brothel here. Alright, girls? It's time for bed." Uh.. I guess Ethan, is playing Suze. As he walked into the room dressed as Suse. Kinda accurate though.

"It's suppose to be me! Oh, that's supposed to be me." I almost laugh at this, hearing Suze excited from her seat, all the way from mine.

"Good night, sugar pops." Ethan closes the door behind him, shutting off the light on his way out. The girls in their own beds as Maddy laid on the couch. The room dark, except a light coming from the closet, and silent.

"Marta.." Hallie's suddenly called out.


"You can sleep in my bed if you want." It was silent, Marta getting up from the couch and slowly made her way for the bed. Hallie pulled back the blanket for her, Marta crawling in, them both now laying in the bed together.

"My parents used to fight all the time too, so I get it." Hallie comfort her friend, Marta breaks down and starts crying.

"You can stay here as long as you want." Marta cries louder as I see Lexi poke out from under the blanket on her side of the room. Well.. that's Rue and now Maddy.. who's next? I almost laughed at myself, realizing now would most definitely not be the right time to laugh. Remembering that it could also very well be me. I looked back, suddenly hearing someone moving in the audience. Cassie left, Maddy watching after her. I hummed quietly, feeling the twos sadness from my seat as I turn back to face the stage.

     The lights went out, turning back on to reveal the street set up they had used for earlier's bit, Marta and Ethan on stage. Ethan walked up behind Marta, putting a huge fur coat on her.

"Jake and Marta's relationship was our first impression of love." Lexi's voice started to sound out, continuing with her narrative.

"No one's ever loved me as much as you." Marta had turned around, from getting her coat on with Ethan's help, and held his hands. Ethan, that I'm assuming was playing Nate's roll, in this scene as well.

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