[•Taken away•]

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Lucas POV

I woke up from a loud noice which I soon found out was a snow storm "Ugh I hate snow storms." I whined I didn't like them because they made so much noice and it was much more colder. I got out of bed and changed into a bit warmer clothes when I was done doing that I went upstairs to check if anything was in the fridge you see I am living under the house in the whales belly the way I get down there is by a well hidden trap door in the floor it's easy for me to get up there since I can fly and all and the humans will think that it is just a normal abandoned house I don't want to get caught by them. When I got there I saw that there was nothing in the fridge "W-What?!" I almost yelled I was out of food I must have eaten the food that was left there last night for dinner 'Oh dear now I have to go out' I looked out the window. Even though I don't like snow storms sometimes I have to go out for food and for that reason I have grown pretty used to the storms so it isn't that hard to find my way. I closed the fridge and flew back down to pack the stuff I'll need for the journey like water etc. When I was ready I changed my clothes into ones that would fit the storm I can't go outside just in a suit I was about to fly up when I heard some noice 'Did someone come in?' I wasn't sure so I quietly flew up on a spot that I have made so I could listen in if some people were there "Gosh why did the snow storm start now." I heard somebody say "Well atleast we have shelter." Another one said "You should be more positive like Mario Brandon!" Another male voice said "Ugh whatever Xylo." Was all that this Brandon guy said "Anyway do you guys think that the owner of this house will be upset that we just invited oursels in?" The Mario guy asked "Pfft- upset? Please this place looks like it's been abandoned for ages!" The Xylo guy laughed "Abandoned ir not I think that it is for the best that we take a rest." Brandon said with a yawn "Agreed I am tired from all that walking against the harsh wind." Mario said "Goodnight guys." Xylo said "Night." Mario answered the Brandon guy didn't say anything so I assume that he must've already fallen sleep. After that I turned away from the spot that I was listening to these guys from and I went outside by the secret exit that I had you always have to have 2 exits 'Oh gosh this snowstorm is big' I thought as I got outside and was walking to the window I quietly sneaked to the window peeking in "Invisibility." I whispered and I turned invisible so that no one would see me even though they are asleep one of them could wake up and see me when I looked in I saw 3 men one of them had black hair that faded into white at the end he had white and black clothes and he was sleeping on my chair snoring so loud that I could hear him from the outside the other one had brown hair with a red streak in it a hat, white shirt and a brown armour on top of it and he was sleeping on the floor and the last one was too sleeping on the floor he had light brown hair a beard an eyepach on one of his eyes a scar was under it and he wore brown-redish armour jacket with a white shirt under it but what caught my attention the most and at what my heart started to race was the hunter gear that they had next to them 'I have to take it away from them' I took a breath in "Okay I can do this." I whispered to myself but before I went in I whispered the word 'Invisibility' since by the time I was done taking in their looks and stuff the spell wore off. I quietly opened the door closing it behind me I was now really happy with myself that I fixed it's creaking noice like 4 days ago I decided to grab Mario's and Xylos gear first since they were closer though when I was grabbing Xylos Brandon shifted in his sleep so I had to stop for good 2 minutes till I moved again to make sure that he doesn't wake up 'Just one more and I can throw it away just one-' When I was about to grab it I accidentally let go of one of the gears that I was already holding and it landed on the floor with a loud noice which woke them up so as quickly as I could I flew up to the drafts and I whispered Invisibility once more as I wore off again "What happened?!" Mario said "Look a feather if an angel. " Said Brandon as he was holding one of my feathers it was glowing since I was one of the more saint or holy angels you could say they were more rare you could say that they were close to demi-gods powers they were almost powerful as them so that was why they are so rare "Wait that feather is glowing." Xylo said "We have a powerful angel here boys." Mario chuckled "I heard that they can turn invisible." Xylo said and Brandon just grinned "Now where are you?" Brandon asked as if I would replied to him unluckly for me it has been more then 5 minutes so as I was creeping to the trapdoor that was in the floor I became visible 'Oh shit' they then saw me "He's there!" Yelled Xylo and I quickly opened the trap door and flew down there going into my room and quickly packing my stuff before they would get down here by a rope or something as I was about to leave the damn door was jammed 'Are you serious?!' I nervously and quickly tried to open the door "Come here~!" I heard Mario say so I quickly said invisible and flew as fast as I could up the trapdoor past the rope that was hanging down from it as they have climbed down by it but well I was wrong as Brandon tackled me down to the ground "Ah!" I yelped in suprise Brandon smiled in victory "I've caught you." I just sticked out my tounge and I took out my dagger that I had hidden in my sleeve and I cutted him in the arm "Ack!" He hissed from the pain as he hold his hand he basically agreeded me so I got out of his grasp and went to run but he pulled me back this time he attacked me with a knife but I stopped the attack well hardly since I had a dagger but still blocked it he kept on attacking with the sword and it was getting quite hard to block the attacks so I went to fly away which would have worked if Xylo didn't thrown a net on my wings I couldn't fly so I fell to the ground and when I landed Brandon immediately yanked the dagger out of my hand "You are quite the fighter huh?" He grinned I tried to kick him with my legs but to no valid "Xylo give me the cuffs." Brandon said "Here you go!" Xylo gave him the cuffs and then Brandon managed to handcuff my arms and wings as I was squirming "You asshole." I spat at him "Watch your tounge." He gave me a stern look but I ignored it "Brandon you done talking to it? The storm has cleared up!" Mario yelled and the fact that he called me an 'it' angered me so with the power that I had left I shot him with a light force it wasn't too strong to kill but strong enough to hurt "I'm not an 'it' you bitch!" He screamed in agony "Mario!" Xylo yelled and went over to him and I then felt a slap across my face which made my eyes water "Ow!" I hissed "Don't you ever do that you understand?!" Brandon said darkly pointing his sword against my neck my eyes only watered up more and I nodded "Y-Y-Yes sir." He slapped me but this time it wasn't so harsh it was more gentle "And that's for swearing." I didn't even feel that one which was good "Don't worry I'll be fine." Mario said to Xylo Brandon then got off of me and helped me to get off of the ground "Seems like he has his stuff already." Mario said holding his side as that was were I hit him "Now off we go." Brandon said and we began walking out of the house.

O3O I swear I'll stop making new shit I swear......

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