attempted escape

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Hi guys welcome to part 3 of "new feelings" i hope you guys enjoy this chapter and are enjoying this story anyhoe lets get started enjoy❤

Unapropiote touching
This means thinking in povs so it makes it less confusing for me and you

*its been a few hours since mikey woke up and he's still chained up but thankfully kisaki gave him a book to read so he doesn't die of boredom(if they don't kill him first)*

Hanma:hey mikey


Hanma:me, kisaki, and kazutora are going out for abit so you'll be alone for awhile, ok?

Mikey:ok... {Thinking}not like i have a choice


Mikey:{puts his book down} i should wait for abit before escaping just in case they're still here

*1 hour later*

Mikey:ok they should be gone by know

Mikey:Now all i have to do is figure away out of these dumb chains... AHA THATS IT!! I can use my hair pin

Mikey:{pulls his hair pin out and his hair falls down} now that its out i need to pick this lock...

Mikey: Ok this will take awhile but hey its worth it for my freedom back

*after a little bit of lock picking*

Mikey:Finally there off now i need to get out maybe i can jump out the window, lets check if its locked first

Mikey:{opens the window}yes its open!

*mikey jumps out the window and hurts his ankle's*

Mikey:{tries to walk but falls down}tsss- fuck that hurts

Mikey:{thinking}i don't have time to just sit down and wait for my ankles to get better they might get back soon!

Mikey:{gets up and starts running away}

Mikey:fuck it hurts so bad

*honestly mikey your just making your ankles worse- ehem anyway 20-30 minutes later of mikey running*

Mikey:for fucks sake how long have i been running!!

Kazutora:id say about 20-30 minutes

Mikey:...{turns around to see a very angry hanma and kazutora}

Mikey:heyyy you too{thinking}i can't run from them im to exhausted and my ankles hurt so much

Hanma:don't hey us!

Kazutora:mikey what do you think you're doing out here?

Mikey:i-i was just getting some fresh air...

Hanma:so you jumped out the window for some fresh air?


hanma,Kazutora:yeah no your coming with us{drags mikey into a alleyway}

Kazutora:{slams mikey in to the wall}


Kazutora:shhhh{pins mikey to the wall}

Mikey:what are- hmph!

Kazutora:{kisses mikey}

*no ones POV*

"What is kazutora doing i don't like this!" Mikey tries moving his head around and tries pushing kazutora off but it only makes kazutora amuzed by Mikey's reaction and he wants to test how far he can go with mikey, kazutora pins mikeys arms above his head so he can't do anything "hmph!" Mikey tried to speak in the kiss but it only comes out as mumbles, kazutora ask for entry by biting Mikey's bottom lip but mikey refuses so he squeeze's mikeys thigh, "*gasp*", mikeys mouth opens and kazutora takes this chance to shove his tounge in his mouth "ack-" "wait were is hanma?" Mikey's mind is clouded from the kiss that he doesn't see hanma going to mikeys neck, kazutora realized mikey was zoning out so he fired up the kiss kazutora's tongue was searching all over Mikey's mouth from top to bottom left to right swirling his tongue around Mikey's creating a thin line of saliva when kazutora pulled away from the kiss "you taste so good mikey" kazutora smirked at mikeys face, "w-were is han-" before mikey could finish his sentence he felt a sharp pain on his neck he looked over to see Hanma giving him loves bites and hickeys "wa-ait sto-" mikeys sentence was cut off again by kazutora smashing his lips against Mikey's leading them into another kiss "nghh~" mikey moaned making hanma and and kazutora smirk in pleasure from hearing Mikey's angelic moans "i want to hear you moan again~" hanma started to suck on Mikey's neck leaving all sorts of bruises on Mikey's neck mikey might not know yet but he will soon like all this attention he's getting, hanma started to slide down from Mikey's neck to his collar bone licking and and sucking at it "AHHHH~" mikey screamed in pleasure into the kiss he was getting from kazutora, hanma and kazutora pulled away "guess you found his sweet spot hanma" kazutora was amused at this "guess so" Hanma smirked, kazutora went down from Mikey's plump pink lips down to his beautifully toned collar bone and started to lick and suck as Hanma started kissing and bitting it, "m-more please" mikey was shocked so was hanma and kazutora but they just smirked and said "as you wish baby boy" "d-did i really just say that", as what mikey asked for well he received it, after there extreme make out session mikey was passed out from exhaustion, his lips were bruised, and he was sweating like a dog

*out of no ones POV*

Hanma:damn is he really passed out?

Kazutora:{carriyng mikey on his back} seems like it, anyways lets get home


*when the got back at hanma's*

Kisaki:were have you guys been and why is mikey passed out! You were only supposed to get him back here

Hanma:heh so about that...

Kazutora:we may or may not have made out with him, hehe...

Kisaki:i- you know what im not even surprised anymore, i mean what did i expect from you two perverts


Kisaki:just got put mikey into bed and make sure there's locks on the window, and the Door, and that he hasn't got something to pick the locks

Kazutora:ok geez we get it

*after putting the locks on and putting mikey in the bed and putting his chains on him*

Hanma:ok now that's done we can go

Kazutora:yep come on!

*and they leave and lock Mikey's door*


And finished god this took forever to do anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter bye❤

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