(LWPA:CRK) Chapter 2

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Pibby could see cracks on the cookie, but he wasn't corrupted. "My name's Pibby..." she said. But before Pibby could ask any questions, they heard a loud THUMP. Pancake had an expression on his face that no words could describe. "B-Behind you." he stuttered. As Pibby turned around she saw another cookie, but it was starting to corrupt. "RUN!" Pibby screamed. The 2 ran off and kept running through the woods until they were surrounded by silence. "What... was that?" Pibby asked breathlessly. "It was a friend..." Pancake replied, "His name was King Custard III, but my friends and I all called him Custard." Pibby kept asking, "What happened to your kingdom? How did you escape?" "I was playing with all my friends, and I wanted to get some Acorn Jellies for everyone. But when I left to go to the forest, this glitch thing hit." Pancake answered, "That's all I know." Pibby started, "Well-" but was cut off. The glitched cookie found them, but now, it was fully corrupted.

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