Chapter 1 *Edited*

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A/N: This story was inspired by InvertedPhantasmagoria Kimetsu no Yaiba: Pet AU series of one-shots. I liked the idea of demons being pets so I decided to make my own story with my own twist about them.

A/N: Edited 05/05/2023 


You have been doing your research, reading books, going to libraries, reading archives everything, and anything you can do to learn about demons. Some people might call you obsessed and, maybe you were. Maybe you weren't. You found them fascinating. They all looked like people- later on, you found out somewhere down the line they were humans who got turned- however, no one would believe that. You believed it though. You found out there are illegal fight rings, really bad people who perform experiments, use demons for their own sick sexual gratifications no matter the age, verbal abuse, beat them, bathe them outside, feed them rotten food, and keep them in wet dark places on cement. That was how most of them were treated. Fortunately, the lucky ones got saved, rehabilitated, and put into good, reputable homes. You were blessed to know that not all humans were evil. 

"You're focusing on that demon stuff again, huh." You turned to Avery who was sitting across from you. They were doing homework for one of their professors. You did not miss being in college. 

"Yeah, it's really intriguing to me you know this. They deserve to be treated normally. They're not even treated as pets, which in itself is horrible in my opinion, but some of the ones I read and see for myself. They're treated like the shit you stepped in." Avery was one of the few people you can confidently say is a friend and is not bad. They would willingly take on a demon if needed. 

"I agree with your sentiment. I plan on adopting one or two, preferably siblings if possible once I graduate and I'm sort of situated." That was something they talked about often with you. When they were ready to adopt demons they always wanted siblings. Rare but, not impossible. People always like to split siblings or pit them against each other. It was horrible. However, they would treat them as a pet but, you felt they deserved to be treated as people. They don't eat humans this generation anymore. You cared less what demons hundreds of years ago did. Why did the demons of today's age have to suffer the consequences? Humans really do suck ass.

"Shit I need to get back to work." You saw the time and realized your lunch break was over and, you needed to head back to the clinic asap. You were a medical assistant with a phlebotomist and EKG technician certificate. You worked at the clinic a block away and your lunch break was over two minutes ago. You waved to your friend and hurried back to work. You passed by a couple of people talking about a new demon they got.

"I can't believe how easy it is to get one of those things. I'm going to keep this one in the basement locked up with the others." You tripped but, righted yourself turning to look the man in his face. Thank God for your photographic memory. You went back to work even though you were working on autopilot. That should be illegal right? For the rest of the day, you were thinking about what that man said. You had his face memorized. Why were they kept in cages? In basements? There were drugs to induce heat to make them more pliant and that disgusted you. Why was it so okay to treat them like shit? There had to be some laws for this city.

"Focus Y/N." It was the evening and you were going home from work with a lot on your mind. Maybe you can adopt one? Volunteer at a rehabilitation center for them? You needed a way to help...Maybe you can help in other ways? They weren't exactly legal but, who cares? People always wanted money and, you were good at doing research. You had bought a co-op and were currently working on buying a building... Your co-op was four bedrooms- a settlement from a car accident came a long way- and three of the rooms were empty. "I can have 3 demons here..." The only issue is finding three compatible ones. That would be hard to do. Your head hurt from thinking so you took a shower, heated up leftovers, and sat on your couch in front of the TV. You lived comfortably but, it was lonely. If you were being honest you always had the idea of having demons in the back of your mind. You wanted to be the reason why a few demons knew how it was to be treated fairly and to be unconditionally loved. You were in your musings watching TV when your phone rang. It was your boss. What does she want?

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