Chapter 8 *Edited*

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A/N: In this AU Sanemi does not actually hate or dislike Giyu. They just bother each other but, really care for each other as family. I made everyone care for one another. Also, I made Makomo Giyu's biological little sister.

A/N: Edited 05/09/2023 or 09/05/2023


You made it back to your apartment bringing all the demons with you. You and Avery busted down your door to keep from dropping them startling the demons you already have. Suma was the one in the front and the most shocked.

"WHERE DID YOU FIND THEM ALL?! HOW!? ARE YOU SOME KIND OF DEMON WHISPERER?!" Suma was panicked and surprised but, was quickly silenced by Makio. Avery had helped you with the five children and you had the grey-haired demon, the demon with the fox mask, and the three children. When the five children actually saw the unconscious grey demon they quickly huddled around him 

"Nemi.! Nemi wake up! We are safe! We safe Nemi." Oh shit. Oh fuck. Nemi. This was Sanemi. You fucking found all of Genya's siblings. Holy shit you didn't know what to do or say. You don't know whether to leap for joy or start crying with how good your luck is and with how persistent your nature is.

"Oh, My God." You turned to Tengen whose mouth had dropped and was looking at Sanemi and the siblings. That's right he knew about them and seeing Sanemi unconscious was no Bueno. 

"Okay. Okay." You took a deep breath as you looked at all the new demons trying to see what you should do first. "Would you guys like to clean first or eat first?" They all blinked and, stared at you still scared out of their mind while looking around at the same time. It was radio silence and, you breathed. You really wanted them to eat but, you wanted them to be clean as well. You decided to go to the kitchen and feed them. Ripping packs of meat open you separated them into portions into small bowls. They were small children and, who knows when was the last time they ate. You slowly brought out small bowls of meat placing them in front of each child, It was nine children, and, the only adult-looking one was still unconscious. You were seriously concerned for him. "Please eat. It is okay to eat. No one will take it from you I promise. After you guys eat you can take turns bathing. If you need help you can ask me or ask one of my friends." You stepped away and showed them Tengen, Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru, Gyutaro, and Daki. 

"I'll be back Y/N." You nodded at Avery who left your apartment for a few. More than likely they were going to call Julicia and, tell her the good news. You really wanted to see the look on Mitsuri's face when she got her children. 

"Where are they going?" It was one of the five children who looked between the door, the food, and you. You needed to placate them.

"They will be back. I promise. They just made a phone call to someone to let them know the good news." You still didn't know about the girl with the fox mask but, she decided to grab her bowl and, sit next to you while holding your leg. You sighed watching her a bit with a kind smile before looking away at the others. You really needed to check on Sanemi. "Hinatsuru sweetheart, can you get me the first aid kit, please?" Seeing your predicament she ran to get the first aid and bring it back so you can help Sanemi. The little girl was still holding onto you while eating. You looked up at Hinatsuru who had everything and, you slowly sat down the little girl moving to let you sit before leaning back into your side. She was clingy and, that was okay. 

"You're helping Nemi?" You turned with a smile to who seemed to be the oldest of the children. You nodded your head. 

"Yes, I am going to help your brother okay? I don't think Genya would like to see his big brother hurt. None of you really." It was silent before you heard feet and, hands-on your arm and neck. 

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