Chapter Two

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Vayda's small hand wrapped around my wrist as she dragged me towards the courtyard.

Just as I was about to take another step, I was startled when a voice called out my name. "Alaina Knightley?"

I turned.

A scan through the entrance of the school building revealed a tall woman with her hair pulled up in a bun. Dressed in a maroon dress, her round eyes were perfectly carved with black eyeliner.

"That's the school's welfare officer," said Vayda. "You have to meet with her alone. I could wait for you right here."

I shook my head, glancing back at the woman. "We don't know how long I'd take. I'll just catch up with you later."

"Wait," she called. "Can I get your number so I can find you when you're done?"

"I totally forgot that phones exist." I laughed and Vayda snorted. Taking the iPhone from her hand, I quickly typed in my number and passed it back to her.

"We'd probably find each other in class but after you're finished with Mrs. Carleton, be careful."

I nodded.

Vayda went off in the direction of the courtyard, while I bounded over to the woman who was smiling at me from the main entrance.

"Hi, I'm Alaina Knightley."

"Welcome to Bridwall Academy, Miss Knightley. I'm Mrs. Carleton, the school's welfare officer and these are your first day essentials." She said, handing me a trio of white papers.

I scanned through the thick papers and realized that they were personalized copies of my class schedule, locker combination, maps of the school as well as the name of my guidance counselor.

"Thank you Ma'am."

She went quiet for almost a minute, wide eyes in shock. "You're welcome," she finally responded. "I suppose."

Wait a minute.

She really just got surprised over a thank you.

Wow. The bar for students in this school was extremely low.

Turning my attention back to the papers in my hand, my eyes skimmed through the list of subjects on my schedule.

English, math, Government, biology, literature, gym, music, and art.

"I have math first?" I looked up and watched her nod.

"You seem like a really nice girl, Alaina, so I'll give you a little piece of advice before you head in. This place isn't like a regular high school. It's a lot more sinister than that."

"What do you mean?"

"These kids . . . they can sniff out people who are different, just like hound dogs. It's scary. You might want to tone down a little, at least until you get the lay of the land."

Laughter bubbled out of me, the wild brown curls from my loose ponytail brushing my face as my shoulders quaked.

"Don't worry about it Mrs. Carleton. I'm sure I can handle a bunch of preppy rich kids."

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