7. draco the ferret

126 9 2

november 10,

Vivian could feel Draco's body tense up bedside her immediately. They're arms pressed against eachother and a bit of electricity shooting through her system again. This was quite possibly the most uncomfortable situation the brunette had ever been in.

"Can you scoot over..?" She muttered, avoiding the blond boy's gaze.

He didn't reply as he shifted his body to be much closer to the wall to the right of him.

"So, Bright, since when are you and Pansy friends?" The Zabani boy that Vivian had never spoken to before asked.

Vivian glanced over to Pansy, the ebony haired girl's eyes flickered with a hint of anxiety, like she expected that Vivian was going to tell them all her secret.

"Well— Er, We were both bunking class the other day and we both wound up in the library... I started to talk to her, and I suppose we got along." Technically, Vivian wasn't lying. She did in fact find Pansy in the library, and they did get along..

Pansy gave Vivian a greatful smile before The Zabani boy opened his mouth, yet again, "You ditched class? I didn't know Hufflepuffs could even think of doing that."

Vivian pursed her lips, shaking her head in fake annoyance. The stereotype about Hufflepuffs being goodytwoshoes that would never rebel Was something that every other house at the old school seemed to believe.

"So that's why I was left to do a DADA project all by myself." Draco scoffed from beside Vivian.

"I forgot you two were partners—" Pansy gasped, almost a little too excitedly.

Vivian nodded her head awkwardly, not wanting to say anything that could be taken the wrong way.

"Yes, we are and it's the most miserable class ever." The platinum blonde Slytherin stated coldly.

Vivian glared back, finding it ironic that he was saying that. After all he had started every argument between the two of them.

"It didn't look that way when you two were dancing together on Thursday." Blaise snorted, making Theodore laugh in agreement.

The bright girl's cheeks heated up in embarrassment from the memory. She hadn't been able to get the whole situation out of her mind since it happened.

"It was definitely not by choice, Blaise. Now shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about." Draco grumbled angrily, but Vivian could tell that he was just as flustered as she was.

"Sure, sure, Whatever you say, mate." The Zabani boy smiled back, chuckling at Draco's red, infuriated face.

Vivian attempted to hide her face with the butterbeer that had just been placed on the table in-front of her, she was attempting to cover the pink blush that coated her cheeks.

"Anyway, I still can't believe Potter got picked to be a tri wizard champion.." Pansy said, earning a nod of agreement from the other Slytherins.

Draco scoffed again, Shaking his head, "Potter's gonna get himself killed in that tournament. The idiot he is. And Dumbledores definitely playing favorites again for even letting him compete!"

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