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No matter what will happen,
Where will I be, in the end,
What will I do? no depend.

This is a promise has made by:

My eyes,
Who has those emotions,
You have been drenched with smiles and cry.

My soul,
Who has those goosebumps,
You have planted through my body.

My skin,
Who has that impression,
You have left on my nerves sensory.

My consciousness,
Wo has those affections,
You have tattooed in my memory.

My ear,
Who has those stentorian,
Your voice has moaned in my head for a century.

I will always remember
You, in my heart chamber.
Someday, this body didn't stay younger,
Enough to hold, the life in my fist any longer.

Stupor will takeover the tickle from that skin,
Ears will abide in silent for the hum of that violin,
Memory cells will stop seedlings in brain printing.

When I will emptily sit under the lap of an oak tree,
It's autumn leaves will fallen to cuddle me.
Twilight breeze kisses me under the township
Will give cold shivers my lips to my fingertips.
Dusky rays will slip through the Grey wiry hair,
And softly will tap my senile bitting heart gear.
To keep that promise.....

No matter how many seasons pass over,
No matter what moment stays last than ever,
But that promise will stay forever.

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