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Phoenix: No problems!
Brook: *walks in*
Phoenix: One problem.

Blake: Kiss me
Dawn: Wait what
Blake: …
Dawn: …
Blake: I said kill me. Please.

Robin: I can fit the whole world in my hands
Phoenix: No that’s impossible
Robin: *cups Phoenix’s face*
Phoenix *blushes*
Phoenix: Get off me I have a reputation to keep

Brook: Hey do you have a bag I can borrow?
Blake: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they are specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.
Brook: Literally all you had to say is no

Mason: I could get lost in your eyes!
Adrien: You get lost walking in a straight line

Misty: Are you two married?
Ash: No, we’re en-gay-ged!
Brook: Can I get an early divorce?

Ash: So, what do you think? Good idea right?
Phoenix: Whatever floats your Titanic
Ash: The Titanic sank
Phoenix: Yeah, just like your IQ did when you came up with that idea.

Misty: Can I bother you for a second?
Blake: You always bother me, but thank you for asking this time.

Brook: Who the fuck-
Ash: Language.
Brook: WHOM the fuck-
Ash: *shakes his head, sighing*

Brook: What are you doing?
Ash: Thinking
Brook: About what?
Ash: What would happen if I mix Coke and mentos in my mouth
Brook: And you are no longer allowed to use the coffee machine.

Brook: I love sleepovers
Mason: This isn’t a sleepover, you’re in the hospital
Brook: Then why do I have this nightgown
Mason: That’s a hospital gown
Brook: Truth or dare
Mason: …
Brook: …
Mason: Dare

Robin: I am so hot *standing in front of a fan*
Phoenix: Yes you- I mean- Yeah. Yeah it’s hot in here.

Ash and Brook: *staring into each other’s eyes*
Misty: *opens a soda can*
Ash: We’re having a moment here
Misty: Yeah and I’m having a Cola

Mason: You’re so cute when you’re angry!
Adrien: Well I’m about to get real fuckin’ adorable

Phoenix: You are all idiots
Spiral, Oscar and Jack: Yeah, but we’re your idiots

Ash: What do I get if I win?
Brook: I don’t know. A kiss?
Ash: How will I reach you? Do I have to bend down?
Brook: Bitch, I will climb you.

Robin: Blake? It’s 4 am, why are you baking a cake? And what’s with all the decorations and sweets?
Blake: I’m celebrating the death of my sleep schedule and sanity. Want a cookie?

Brook: *coming out of the bathroom*
Misty: Finally…I can brush my teeth
Brook: Brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton
Misty: …Thanks… I needed that weird fact out of the blue today

Momo: Do you ever get… water hungry?
Lydia: Water hu- do you mean thirsty?!
Momo: Yes! That thing.

Robin: Hey can you take out the trash?
Phoenix: Sure, where do you wanna go?

Oscar: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife
Oscar: No no, aggressively poked them with a knife

Misty: Hey are you hungry?
Ash: …Misty it’s 3 am
Ash: But yeah I’m hungry

Brook: Can you at least TRY to be nice?
Phoenix: You’re still breathing. That’s me being fucking nice, asshole

Misty: Is…is that meant to be on fire?
Ash: No… not really.
Misty: …. Are you going to do something about it?
Ash: Hm… nah

Momo: With plastic being banned, Starbucks is running out of things to put drinks in. A year from now they’re gonna scream my name and I’ll have to drink my caramel iced latte straight from the barista’s cupped hands while another employee strokes my head like a scared horse.

April, wearing a blanket as a cloak, stirring mac’n’cheese in a dimly lit room: Potion

Brook: *rolling over for the 40th time in the middle of the night*
The demon hiding under his bed: Will you shut the fuck up

Kristin: Octopi could hug 4 people simultaneously, because god blessed them with the ability. However, they don’t even hug one person, because they have made covenant with the devil. Any questions?
Churchgoer: Where is our regular pastor?
Kristin: In a better place now. Sit down immediately.

Dawn: What are the three stages of life?
Misty: Birth
Brook: What the fuck is this
Blake: Death

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