O'Hallorans are taking over send help

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Reggie: *aggressively throws down his cup of apple juice*
Spike: W-what was that for?
Reggie: *whispers angrily* I put the rage in beverage

Judge: And is there any particular reason why you broke this law?
Billie: In my defense your honor, I did not Vibe With It™

Casey: If my life ended today, what would my legacy be?
Casey: Sure, I did a wheelie on dirt bike through a Waffle House, and I was once interviewed on the news for finding a foot on the beach, but other than that, I don’t have many great accomplishments.

*At McDonald’s*
Brook: Hello can I get one uhhh, mcwill to live please?
The worker: Brook we talked about this

Bea: What’s worse than heartbreak?
Brook: Have you ever woken up and realized your phone was never charging?

James: Hey Reggie? What has two butts and kills people?
Reggie: James I don’t have time for your stupid-
Reggie: …
James: …
Reggie: *pulls out a gun* Do you have a will written because it should come in handy right about now

Spike: I’m quick at math
Billie: Ok what’s 27×43?
Spike: 32
Billie: That’s not even remotely close!
Spike: No, but it was quick!

Brook: You’re trying to use my ego to manipulate me?
Spike: Yeah, I thought it would work-
Brook: It worked I’ll do it

Casey: You don’t want Brook to die
Casey: And I don’t want Brook to die
Casey: So now we just gotta make sure that Brook doesn’t want to die
Spike: Fantastic plan but have you met Brook

Bea, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs
Bea: At what

Spike: We need to have a talk about your professionalism
Bea, levitating five feet in the air: Bold words for someone standing in lava

James: Murder wasn’t on today’s agenda
Casey: Murder isn’t on anyone’s agenda
Reggie: No, it’s on mine, just not until next Thursday

Brook: What are those dead bodies doing there?
Reggie: Honestly? Not much

Spike: Brook, there you are! You speak Spanish, right?
Brook: Yeah…why?
Spike: Splendid! It’s Shakira night at the karaoke bar and me and Casey are sick of coming in second
Brook: Give me 10 minutes and I’ll be ready

Brook, on family group chat: Reggie is a little bitch
Reggie: Bet you can’t say that to my face
Brook: *teleports to Reggie’s room*
Reggie: What the fu-
Brook: *gets real close to Reggie’s face*
Brook: You’re a little bitch.

Billie: Did you know that when you break a bone it typically will heal back stronger than before?
Brook: So what you’re saying is I should break every bone in my body until I become invincible
Bea: Yeah how about you don’t

Someone explaining the O’Hallorans:
You see they have about 6 braincells between all of them. Spike has 3 of them at all times, Brook has one and so does Casey. James has none, Billie has half of one, and Reggie has the other half and Bea thinks she has one but it’s actually just Brook whispering in her ear.

Brook: What’s wrong?
James: *takes a long drag from a cigarette*
James: My sketchers don’t light up anymore

Casey: Don’t fear death, fear the state in which you will die.
Billie: *horrified whisper* Alabama

Brook’s father: BROOK

Spike: *traps a wasp under a cup*
Reggie: *puts two more cups down*
Spike: Please.no-
Reggie: *starts shuffling the cups*

Casey: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins?
Brook: Can’t relate
James: Why would my brain release dolphins

Reggie: You need a hobby!
Billie: I do have a hobby!
Reggie: Being sad isn’t a hobby!
Brook, from distance: It isn’t?!

Billie: Are you high?
Casey: Am I what?
Billie: High
Casey: Hello

Father: I was a good father wasn’t I Bryan?
Brook: My name is Brook

Brook: I’m back on my bullshit lol
James, narrating loudly: He was, in fact, never off his bullshit in the first place.

Judge: For your crimes, we sentence you to 68 years in prison
Reggie, voice cracking: Can you
Reggie: Can you add one more year

Brook: Every family has a gay, an overthinker, and someone who is emotionally unstable but surprise bitch I am all three

Spike: Reggie is at that very special age where he has only one thing on his mind
Someone: Girls?
Reggie: Homicide

Bea, giving James a hug: Aren’t you just the cutest
James: Disgusting
James: Do it again

Brook: You have to learn to love yourself
Billie: But don’t you hate yourself?
Brook: Yeah but this is about you. Stay focused.

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