ꜱɪʟʟy ꜰᴀᴍɪʟy

50 11 18

Another alphabetical order poem, this one is based on humor.

Anna is the eldest among sibling,
Bucky, their pet dog, somehow resembling.

Crooky Coo is their family surname,
Dad was pretty proud of its fame.

Everybody is crazy when gathered to dine,
Floppy, their cat, that sits on table so fine.

God! The members sit in a cat house in line,
Honestly ridiculous, when they slurp chicken at nine.

Intelligence isn't found in dictionary of Crooky Coo,
Jointly they watch T.V from neighbors window.

Kindly declined, when accused of spying,
Little to do others know, they're honestly lying.

Mother would ground the raw fishes and dishes!
Nanny comes to babysit the sofas and brushes.

Oh! Father sold family car for a lazy cow,
Peep-beep! That's how the cow mooed.

Quietly, the kids would sneak for food,
Replacing it with butter that smells gutter when chewed.

Some neighbors rang for help or police,
To enquire the stupidity and to cease.

Utter nonsense such as these,
"Very rare to find!", said chief's niece.

We offered them a place in a circus tent,
Xavier, the kid, greeted them with bouquet of eggies and bees,

Yikes! They lost their guest from west in a sneeze;
Zoo is their home, thats where monkeys live in ease.

Submission: diamremwriting

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