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Christopher was having the best day ever.

His school had taken his whole grade on a field trip, and his favorite teacher, Mrs. Mckullen, was even his group's chaperone for the day.

The morning had admittedly, not been too fun. They'd taken a trip to the LA Phil Harmonic, where they had to learn about classical music and listen to what he'd been told was a 'concerto'. Although he much preferred listening to Buck's playlists. But, the afternoon was to be spent at the pier, which the teachers had reminded them about every time they got restless that morning.

Now, it was all worth it, Chris thought, as he, Alex, and Eva, went spinning around in one of the dinosaur shaped booth rides. They saw Mrs. Mckullen, being spun wildly by Jayla and Reese a couple of booths over and their laughter intensified.

After another minute the ride slowly ground to a halt and they all stumbled out of their booths. Alex hopped out first and handed Eva and him their crutches from where they'd been on the ground outside the platform.

"C'mon guys, Mrs. Mckullen says we can go get cotton candy!" Jayla shouted, and waved them towards the exit.

The three of them quickly followed and the group walked over to the cart selling cotton candy by the game booths. The line was long, and there was at least ten people ahead of them, but for cotton candy it was worth it.

It was then, while they were waiting, that they first started to hear people yelling and screaming. To be fair, people had been doing that all day, but this wasn't the fun type of screaming that you do when you're on a ride, Christopher noted. This was the kind of screaming that happened when something was wrong, and judging by how many people were doing the screaming, something was very very wrong.

Next there were people running, he could hear them yelling something about the water and the waves. Mrs. Mckullen was looking around wildly, clearly trying to spot the danger, while huddling the group of five closer to her.

It was then that the third thing happened, a wailing siren blasted out of all of the speakers. Chris saw Mrs. Mckullen's face go white, and a look if horror pass over her features.

Christopher looked around and saw everyone running, but knew that he and Eva wouldn't be able to, but he still didn't know what they were running from.

"Tsunami!" He heard someone shout, "get off the pier!"

Oh, he thought, that wasn't good.

He started looking around wildly, his dad and Buck and taught him that in an emergency the best things to find were shelter and supplies. He looked at the booth next to them and saw lifejackets hanging on the sides.

"Mrs. Mckullen!" He yelled yanking on her arm to get her attention, when she looked down at him, still seemingly in a state of shock, he pointed at the booth, "Lifejackets! We should put them on!"

That seemed to snap her out of it and she herded the kids as quickly as possible over and grabbed a bunch of them and yanked them down so the children could reach.

"Everyone! Put one on now!" She yelled over the noise.

He, Eva, Alex, Jayla, and Reese each grabbed one and started trying to maneuver their way into them. Christopher got his on in record time. He was used to wearing one, because he put it on every Saturday for his surfing lessons.

Mrs. Mckullen lifted Jayla into the booth once she'd finished getting hers on and then Reese, "hold onto each other and don't let go!" She yelled at them as she turned to help Alex get his lifejacket on.

Chris saw Eva struggling with hers and reached out to help her. "What's going on?!" Eva asked, she looked near tears.

"There's a tsunami coming," then added at her look of confusion, "it's a really big wave, but don't worry, we'll be fine. I took surfing lessons so we'll be okay!"

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