[Creators note]

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This is my first time trying to write a story, I take any corrections and all stuff like that. I do not condone hate but I will accept tips, grammar corrections, spelling corrections, etc. Please do not hate on me or anyone reading this we are all trying our best here so please do not put hate.

Also, this story will mostly take place in Tommy's POV so i  will not constantly write that. I will write it when I change POVs so don't worry.

Last thing, Huge trigger warning for this whole story, a lot of sensitive topics are brought up in this story. You have been warned.

P.S. I do not support cc!Wilbur, if c!Wilbur wasn't so important to c!Tommy's lore, he would not be in this story. Please keep this in mind when you're reading. I also started this way before it was even mentioned he was a horrible person.

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Thank you for your time. <3

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