Semen, Balls and Virgins

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One night, they went into this boys house his name was Nicholas he was the biggest virgin known in the town he watched hentai all day long, so Linda and Jessie enter Nicholas home and while he was jerking off to incest rape tentacles hentai Jessie sneaks behind him and smacks him with her old breasts Linda quickly cuts his balls while he's knocked out. His ball blood sprays everywhere while the girl in the hentai video screams *oni-channn >~<*. They had succeeded, they had acquired the balls and now were extracting the juice from them. Linda and Jessie keep doing that thing for months they were selling the syringe and even enjoying them themselves while having sex either way, it was the good life until a horrible discovery happened. The cum produced by those virgins was toxic it turned everyone into minions with giant boobs. That was an issue because the minions didn't have legs nor could they talk so the love between Jessie and Linda would be ruin, they were afraid they didn't want to die and become dummy thiccc minions. Jessie had a contact someone that could help...

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