The Final Stretch

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Once they got home Linda wanted to make an antidote for everyone but Jessie was selfish and didn't want to so they had a fight and almost broke the precious bottle with Maya's fart in it, after that even Linda used the power of the ancestrals balls to make the springtussy appear the springtussy stabbed Jessie with it's sharp lips. Jessie was laying on the floor dead half minion half old hag. Linda was determined to save the world so with some help of shrek and the springtussy she managed to make an antidote for everyone and basically saved the world but one person was left...Jessie. Linda got back to the apartment where Jessie's body was laying in and gave her some of the antidote sadly it was too late for Jessie so Springtrap popped out of Lindas ass and gave a miraculous kiss on Jessie's forehead which Linda didn't appreciate so she gave a warning to Springtrap no more kissing my waifu she said Springtrap agreed and apologized but nonetheless it worked Springtrap saved her Jessie and she was safe, except that she was yellow and didn't have any hair left but that didn’t matter they were back together.

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