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Marshall, this paragraph goes to you. I thought I could trust you. I thought we were friends. but then Kasi came along. you knew we where dating and still, you "accidentally" asked them out. I hate to say this, and as much as I post about not bulling, I can't really keep this hiden anymore. I hate you. I've tried so hard to be your friend. I've been nice to you this entire time and all you've done in return was ruin me. you posted on my conversation about me bulling kids and that your transgender, omisexual, and your name is Marshall not Olivia. I know that and I accepted that. I know I question you about why you still change in the girls locker room if you're a guy and I ask why you use the girls restroom instead of the boys, but I want you to know that I actually think of you as a guy. but I don't understand something. why do you always correct me when I accidentally call you Olivia, but you never correct anyone else when they call you Olivia?

when you see this your probably going to tell me to delete it but you can't make me. you tell lies about me and call me bad things so you can't tell me what to do. I won't be taking any more of your bullshit and additude. we could have had a better relationship and we could have been friends but you just piss me off with your attitude and when you over react to every little thing you don't like. remember when I "slapped" you. I thought you were cool and chill but turnes out your not. you got me ISS because you told them I was actually slapping you when I was playfully tapping you on the back of your head. I'm done dealing with your shit and if you don't like not getting attention from me then go piss someone else off because I'm done with you. this is the end of the road. and I mean it.

God please look after this poor boys soul and chase out all this evil that seems to have takeover. please wipe out all this nasty inappropriate content that this boy has seen and replace it with good, clean, happy thoughts. thank you.

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