13 1 4

"What's that" jaspers leaning on the doorframe connected to the back room.

"Oh um, a map" Xander looks up at him waving the map.

He snatches the map from his hands and Xander shoots up in protest.

"This where you're headed?"

"That's none of your damn business" he spits while taking the map back and shoving it in his backpack angrily.

"High chance no one will be there when you show up." He turns around to go out.

"Yeah? What'd you know"

"I'm not your enemy here, trust me you got a lot of them already."

"Everyone's my enemy I don't trust anyone." Xander thinks about how to get to California and decides he'll leave as soon as possible, even if no one's willing to go with him.


Marco sits coloring a piece of paper with color pencils he found in a drawer while Jasper sharpens his arrows not too far.

He looks up, his eyes met with Xanders already packed up and ready to move.

"You won't make it out there" he continues sharpening arrows and breaks the eye contact.

"Wanna bet?" He moves around giving another look at the place.

Night falls and Jasper puts the tired child to sleep with only a small blanket and a jacket used as a pillow.

"A.C.E will eat you alive and if they don't first those creatures out there sure as hell will"

"I'll take my chances" He's about to walk out the door when Jasper shoots up.


Xander inhales and turns around slowly.

"Look man I don't care what you say-"

Jaspers walking- more like jogging to the back room while stating 'they're here'

Xander follows and discovers there is an attic in the back room. He climbs up the ladder where he sees Jasper staring at a window cautiously.

"What are you doing, who's here?"

He walks forward and looks out the window following Jaspers line of vision.


A.C.E soldiers are here, and much more of them than last time.

Jasper jolts up ready to leave.

"Howd you know they were here, what are they doing here, Howd they find us I thought we shook them off?"

"I'll answer your questions later dipshit let's go"

Marco, Jasper, and Xander take their things and sneak out before the soldiers draw closer. They make sure they left nothing out of order to insure they wouldn't suspect that's where they were hiding.

Passing building they stop not too far and Jasper turns around.

"I'm pretty sure there's an apartment complex down this way we can scavenge for items"

"You haven't answered my questions"

But Jasper is already walking away with tired little Marco on his back.


They make it the the complex, every door and window is very tightly secured and rusted close, as they're searching around they see a door a few inches open.

They all eye each other and draw out their weapons.

They walk in quietly and start searching. Its clear

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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