Chapter 2 A Chance

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I was smiling and she started crying and hugging me tight. ,,I tought you will never wake up akira'': said shinku with a soft voice. I responded:,, I wont ever leave your side shinku.''. She stood up and told me to stay in bed and that she will bring me some food.

She came back with three maids that brought food with her. I was confused so i askd:,, Who are they and where are we shinku.''. she said:,, We are at my familys castle. Its in a near forest and protected by a barrier so you dont have to worry about anything. And these are my 3 personal maids jane, sara and miko.'' im confused so i didnt ask further. I started eating the food they brought to me. They made pancakes eggs and a small salad for me. I was amazed about the taste. I never ate something this good. I askd:,, who made this this is so amazing?'' shinku started smiling bright and her checks slowly became red. The maid calld jane with blond hair respondet:,, this all is made by master Shinku. I hope you like it''. My body is slowly getting filld with strenght again, ontop i feel like my body is different as if i would have alot more physicall strength and as if i can use my senses way better. Shinku is looking at me seeing that i realize that my body changed. ,, you feel the change akira.... dont you?'' ,,yes but what happend? i dont get it as if something changed my body.'' ,,yes youre one of us now. your a Vampire now. At least thats the most common term call us. We get calld different everywere. Demons, Vampires, fallen angels and incubus. But for us we are just humans and we dont want anything bad for those who accept us. Im sorry that i did this to you.'' ,,dont be. Im happy i have a second chance to be with you in this life shinku.''

I stood up from the bed and walkd towards a mirror.i look in my mirrord image and see that my whole bodx changed. i have grown alot. befor i was only 1,80m now im at least 2 Meters. i look more closely at my face and see that it got more amture if i wouldev been older now by 2 years. in all my musceles are more defined. luckly my hair stayd the same and has the same black like befor. my deep blue ocean eyes are the same too as befor. shinku looks up to me and says:,, dont worry akira you will get used to this. The only thing i worry about is your secret ability that you will earn soon...'' ,,secret ability...? Maybe i shouldnt questsion it for now.'' ,,dw i will tell you about it later just for now we got to meet my dad. His name is lord Kenji Higanbana. Please if hes here kneel down and call him only lord till he accpets you caus else it can result in your death and i dont want this to happen.'' *we slowly walk along a hall way to a big room with a table and a chair in the middle of it. On the chair is somone sitting. That person is very tall over 2 meter and really muscular. I have a bad feeling about this the nearer i come the more i feel a strong pressure as if a truck would hit me upfront. I slowly go down on my knees. The person says:,, hello Akira my daughter told me alot about you. and you know why your here dont you?'' i reply to him:,, Good evening lord. No i do not know why i am here infront of your excellence." He started explaining:,, Ist caus my daughter turnd you in one of us. In the history of us Vampires this is really meaning full caus Shinku is a royal princess oft he house Higanbana. Shes the oldest daughter and the succession to the throne. A bite always means that a vampire and a human want to marry and both know the danger that awates them. This life wont be a easy one for you. our daughter is really strong we even call her the crimson princess oft he bloody night but you we dont know what will awaken in you nor if you will be usefull or a danger to us and all othere familys. This is why you are here infront of me. I will test you and will see how worth you are and if i can allow this marriage at the end." „yes my lord i will do my best to empress you and your whole family. And i will do anything to protect Shinku and this family." „well said small boy. Now i will need to show you someone. Ist the small brother of Shinku, his name is Raito he is one oft he best training partners for someone like you. you have one week to awaken ur powers and be able to use them at least a bit." Shinku jumpd in saying:,, but father this is far too little time to do this. Please go easy on him." I replyd:,, dont worry Shinku i will do my best and will make it to the time he gave me to make it." The pressure i fellt the whole time somehow stoppd. „Your a good boy Akira i really am happy my daughter choose you to be bitten and not some dork." Shinkus face turnd red and she started screaming:,, shut up dad!!!!" i smiled at Shinku seeing she doesnt regret choosing me even if it was my fault she needet to use this once im life oppurtunity. „thank you Shinku, i deeply love you and i wont leave your side till eternity." She looks at me gets even more red and slaps me:,, my small dumbass i will stay always with you even if we get old or will die together." She kissd me on my lips. The father lookd at us slowly getting angry:,, What do you both think you r doing infornt of me." I started screaming:,, I AM SORRY MY LORD WE WILL LEAVE YOU NOW!" he laughd loud:,, hahaha dont worry im joking but you need to watch out what you do Akira ok?" 

He smiled me. „now Akira go and prove that you are worth my time." Shinku takes me by my hand and says : „lets go and get you a wepon that will fit your body, personality and your special power later. We slowly walk towards a giant wooden door with a small red knife painted on it. „this is the Acient wepon room. Here are acient wepons, holy relics, demonic swords and cursed manuscripts. Lets see if a wepon will choose you and if be able to wield it. I slowly walk into the dark brown  room that got this color caus of the old wood.I try to ask Shinku:,, Shinku what is this world even and why does stuff like this exist." Shinku started speaking in a different language as if she would cast a spell:,, magische relikte der Vergangenheit antwortet jetzt ob Akira es würdig ist einen von euch zu führen." The whole room started to glow in a golden light as if the room stood in a fire. Shinku said in a worryd voice :,, this is unbeliveable, this never happend once in 5000 years how is this possible." „wait Shinku what do you mean? is this so rare? Or what did i do that your so worryd?" „its unbeliveable all of this wepons made by gods and demons say this way that your worth wielding every single one of them. As if your the choosen one and now you need to choose." „wait i need to choose one of all of these houndreds of wepons?" the weapons shine bright golden the demonic same as the godly ones„ this world is full of miracles Akira i will tell you about all of them when were done with you choosing one of this acient works. so please choose now." 

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