Chapter. 10 Victoria

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     For a little bit I feel at ease but, this isn't what I wanted. I want Camille. I pull away. 

"Sorry, I thought..." She says.

"No... It's just." I interrupt her.

"You don't like me?" 

"No it's just there's..."

"Someone else." she says finishing my sentence. "Shit I'm sorry Victoria I didn't know."

"It's ok, we aren't together, she's a human and... well I think hates me." I say laughing. Amaris looks at me almost as if she knows the same pain. She leans in and hugs me. 

"That's happened to me too before. She hadn't known I was well... a vampire. I knew I had to tell her but I didn't want her to hate me, so I kept it a secret. However one day we went into the woods for a picnic and she cut herself. I couldn't control myself at the smell of her blood and well." She stops and I see her eyes start to water. "I almost killed her, I didn't know how to control the urge yet. She only stopped me after stabbing me in the neck." She says crying. I lean in and hug her. We both share similar experiences of love. I stop myself before I think of Hestia.

  I let Amaris cry on my shoulder for as long as she needs. When she pulls herself together we both start laughing. I don't even know what were laughing about. "God this was supposed to be a good night." Says Amaris, making us both laugh harder. I look at her. "Sorry I went and made things awkward by kissing you."

  "I don't mind Amaris." I say making her smile. Amaris was sweet and I loved her but only in friendly way for now. I still want to forget about Camille and meeting her was just a distraction from all my problems. 

"Do you want a drink?" I ask. 


"Two ales then?" She nods and I head up to the innkeeper. 

"Two ales please." He nods and goes to get the ale. I lean against the counter looking around the inn. The place is old and unkept but is still a good spot for vampires to hang out. Not many humans choose this tavern because there are higher end ones more towards the village. Some of the tables are old and rotting but the majority are still decent enough. The wooden chairs are old and once and awhile you might get a splinter from them but, its a place where vampires can go without being judged by humans. Other night creatures also hang out here but they stay away from the vampires.

   When the innkeeper comes back with the ale I take them back to mine and Amaris's tables. She smiles and I hand her the ale. Together at our table we chat about how vampire hunting's are getting more frequent and how more vampires are being taken. Amaris lives more in the village and less in the woods so knows a lot more gossip that happens in the village. Talking with her is so easy, I don't ever have to feel like I'll say the wrong thing because it's just easy.

"One hour till sunrise!" shouts the innkeeper.

  I look towards Amaris. "I guess we should get going" I say. She nods in agreement. We stand up and walk out the door. 

"Happy blood festival! I hope we can see each other again." I say enthusiastically. We both head out of the tavern together. All the venders have packed up and left. We stand in the center away from the vampires flooding out of the tavern. She gives me a hug and I hug her back. 

 "Thank you for listening to me Victoria." Says Amaris. I smile.

"Your welcome." I say. We pull away from our hug.

"Want to meet here in two days from now?" She asks. 

"YES!" I say. 

I look around and see the sky starting to get lighter. I hug Amaris one last time.

"Bye." I say 

"Good bye Victoria see you soon." 

"You too"

We both part ways and head towards our homes. I pull the necklace out of my pocket and look at it while walking. The necklace is mesmerizing. The sky is getting brighter. I put the necklace in my pocket and run home.

 When I reach my front door. I pull it open and step inside. I'm suddenly surrounded by the smell of something rotting. Shit. Tylen was still in my house. I go to the floor board and pull it up. I pick his head up by the hair and toss his out. I will worry about the smell later but I need to sleep.

Walking over to my room, I open the door and change out of my clothes and into my nightgown. I slip into my bed and sleep a much needed rest.

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