To My Best Friend

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      The stage had been quiet for a while, the stage lights being off as the crowds seemed to start to die down finally. A small spotlight lights up on the side of the stage, Lexi standing under it as she smiles out at the crowd, eyeing flickering over to me.

"Now, whereas Jade was the first one who made me feel okay about not being cool. Zoey was the first one who made me feel good about being myself. I first met Zoey when Jade had asked if we all wanted to meet her one day, all of us falling in love with her that day. Since then, her and I have talked every day, her being there for me and I being there for her. She's my best friend now. And it feels nice to have someone close to me like that, someone who accepts me for who I am. Who doesn't judge me for being me and who encourages me too just be, me.

      I asked her as well as Mac- and we'll talk about more about Mac later- I asked her what if I hurt some of our friends feelings by doing this play? She said, let 'em get hurt." The crowd gives a soft chuckle with a few oohs. Ohh, Maddy's gonna be pissed I even knew about the play.. I could almost feel her gaze on me. Almost looking back to meet her gaze but knew it was best to wait. Lexi watched around the room, finally resting her eyes on me completely, smiling sadly at first while I felt my eye soften.

"Then I asked her what if I hurt her feelings... She said she trusted me.. She was glad that I was actually doing something for me. She knew how much it meant to me.. It was then that I realized just how important our friendship meant to me." She spoke with heart, her meaningfully smile changed into a bright and happy one, almost cheering up in an instant.

"So, this next scene is for my sis, who once told me to "Own that shit"." I ignored the tears I felt in my eyes as Lexi made her way off the stage, soon the stage going dark once more. I'd be lying if I said I want a little nervous, the anxiety building as we waited for the stage to light up again.

     A new light shined in the center of the stage, Lexi on a bike riding slowly across the stage. That stage having a street likes setup, even having a few trash bins around. My body freezes, my face red instantly as I start to feel as though everyone's eyes were on me. I slowly shake my head, almost horrified as I stare wide eyes at the stage, recalling the vivid memory as if it had just happened yesterday.

"You've got to be fuckin' kiddin' me." It was barely a whisper, but seemed to ring out loudly in the silent room, the fear and recollection being noticeable. I brought my legs up from the floor, bringing them up to my chest before throwing my hood up. I snatched the drawstrings with my good hand, pulling them shut a bit as my character stomped her way onto the stage dramatically, hopping on the back of Lexi's bike. The dramatics only making me cringe.

"Hah, kid it's you." I pulled away from Fez as he shakes me in my spot, laughing out quietly as he seems oblivious to my sudden embarrassment. I hear him hum quietly,  tucking my head down into my knees as I watched the stage in a hidden manner.

"Yo, kid, what's-.."

"What's wrong? Why do you look so pissed?" Fezco was cut off, Lexi asking the pretend me. She shook her head dramatically, hopping off the bike to walk beside it instead. Gripping her bag straps as she fumed.

"He's such a dickhead sometimes!" Lexi looked at Zoey, tilting her head confused. Soon making a face of recollection.

"Who? Oh, that uh.. the one you liked right?" Zoey shot her a look, causing Lexi to turn away quickly. I however, cringed, trying so hard not to just.. die. Trying to keep my soul from trying to escape my very being.

"What happened?" She hopped back on the bike once again, Lexi still riding the bike around the stage.

"Him! He basically thinks we're going on a date, given I kinda joked when we went roller blade with Nova and Jade that one time, that you and me were going on a date, but I didn't this time. He just assumed we were, which I love you don't get me wrong, But I love you like a sister if anything, not like.. like my girlfriend. But even if I did! Why the fuck should it matter to him?! It's not like he's even asked me or, or even talked about the stupid fucking kiss!" A slap rang out as Zoey slapped a hand over her mouth, the sound of shoes screeching across the floor as the bike came to a halt sounded out. She jumped off the bike, leaving Lexi there shocked and confused, before quickly riding after Zoey. I shook my head, burying myself deeper into my legs, wanting nothing more than to crawl under a fucking rock and die as the crowd gasps, some whistles ringing out. I tried so hard not groaning out as I internally die in my place, feeling Ashtray's presence suddenly being much more noticeable.

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