IV: Quality Time

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• You KNOW these mf's listen to music together. They share their music taste and create playlists for each other as well (And yes, Bruce did cry to his playlist about her for 4 to 5 business days after she left... lets just say Alfred was very concerned when he walked into the Batcave to find  Bruce lying on the ground, topless, with his eyeliner streaming down his face while absolutely sobbing to lana del rey)

• When Selina breaks a nail, Bruce always goes and gets manicures with her (and ALWAYS pays, of course). And, for the most part, they like to match with each other.

• Bruce likes to watch Selina do her skincare routine, whether it be at night or in the morning. He loves to watch the process, and yes, maybe the other part it that he is constantly in awe of how beautiful she is, with or without makeup. 

• Bruce saw Selina watching something on the TV (which she never usually does) so he went to see what she was watching. Turns out, Selina is a horror movie junkie, and he was either hiding in the crook of her neck or staring at the screen, shocked the entire time.

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