House of Happiness

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Anya's POV

We said goodbye to the hayride driver and walked to the exit. We went back to the map knowing we have one last big thing we want to try. I found a box that had a scare token in it. "Yes now we can get prizes after" I said happily. "Guys I got a basketball" said Elias. "That's cool" I got a balloon" I said happily.

We want to another gift shop after that hayride since we we're all freaked out about it. "Since we dragged you along Platon we will take you to the house of happiness" I said as I read off the map. "Oh okay" said Platon as we began to walk towards it. We we're all very excited about the last ride.

We walked to the front and there was carts waiting for us. We got in and buckled ourselves in. We waited for the creepy clown to check each buckle. Once we we're all good he pushed down the bar. After that we we're ready to begin. The stalker clown pressed the button and we went inside to enjoy the ride. Nadja and Platon sat in the back.

Elias and me were in the front already jumping with excitement. We went into the dark and we kept going until we were facing a wall. "I am Sorin and I invite you to the house of madness" said the man when the lights flicked on. He was in the wall as we all faces towards him. "Come this way to get chaos" he said as he pointed to another wall.

The ride took us to where he had pointed. As we went inside it looked like a prison and an asylum. I coward away from the bars. Everything looked so sad and miserable. "I changed up a few things" said Sorin. "I made them all stuffed" he said with laughter. "Oh god" I said as I looked at their faces.

"Most of them might even be alive" Sorin said as he laughed just like the joker. I scooted back towards Elias. The lights kept flickering off and on as we kept riding past the prisoners. I thought we were going to keep going straight but we turned really quick onto a different track. My body was leaning into Elias a lot.

"Where do you take us" asked Platon. "We came here for you" I said not wanting to take the blame for this. When we turned we actually we're outside now. "Why are we outside" asked Nadja. "We can always be friends well if you want" said Sorin scarier. "All the best people are crazy and we all know that" he kept going as we turned back inside.

"Let me show you what I see so you can see them too" said Sorin. "Wait what" said Platon confused. We stopped for a second and then gas was poured over us in fumes. It made me feel like I was high and dizzy. I had to hold onto the bar for support. We all started to cough and freak out at once.

The ride started to move again and we went to what seemed to be a rainbow. My eyes and brain were so dizzy I couldn't tell what was going on. As we got to the end there was a smiling face until the smile became a angry face. I jumped in my seat once I saw it. I felt the ride drop into darkness.

The ride continued forward and there was red eyes everywhere. I ducked feeling like they were coming at me. I felt Elias trying to block my body with his. He was hovering over me as I hid underneath his chest. Nadja screamed as more we're coming towards us from all sides.

We got out of the red eye room and back into the asylum. We went up and into a room full of colors and birthday stuff. "Come play with me" said Sorin with a happy tone that reminded me of the clown. We left the room and came to another stop again. Rides always go by so fast. It's always hard to see everything when you try to focus on to many things.

As we stopped the ride started to take us up higher. It felt like we were going up in a roller coaster. We started to freak out a little bit. Until we can down what seemed to be a hallway. We saw Sorin point towards the right and the cart took of really fast. Elias held on to me tightly. His evil laughter was ringing in my ears.

It was like a roller coaster drop and we all started to panic. Nadja closed her eyes and Platon held on to the bar. Elias put his arm around me so he can hold me down and hold onto the bar himself. I was close to his chest as the roller coaster kept dropping down. We all screamed in fear and panic.

We went back into the asylum prison and the lights kept turning off and on. Elias moved his hand to my waist and was pulling me closer towards him. As the lights were turning on more gas fell onto us. "Not again" I said thinking of how it had just worn off. Randomly we were outside again but it was different.

The sun was not this bright as it was outside. "I never want your smiles to fade away" said Sorin as we came to a stop. There was tons of different Sorin's standing in front of us. We looked around so confused about what is going on. Just then he spoke again with more darkness in his voice.

"Look around you are trapped here today" he said as we were slung back into a different track. The cart faced the correct way and it started to become day and night over and over again. "What is going on" Platon asked before we went back inside.

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