c h a p t e r | t h r e e

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3rd person POV

"WHAT THE FUCK." Dean and Seamus say at the same time standing by their bedroom door.

The two naked boys jolt up at the loud curse their friends had said and immediately try to find their clothes to cover themselves.

"Why didn't you tell us you guys were fucking? We could've had an orgy." Seamus says rolling his eyes.

Dean hits him in the shoulder and goes to speak.

"What he means is what the hell are you two doing, naked, in the bed together, with dried cum all over yourselves?!" Dean screams.

"Keep quiet, Dean!" Harry exclaims. "I'll explain everything just promise not to tell anybody." Harry says looking at both Dean and Seamus.

The couple nods in agreement and sits down on their respective beds.

"Okay so, Ron and I are experimenting. That's It. Earlier this morning I realized I was gay and asked Ron to experiment with me. He agreed so I sucked him off and he fucked me." Harry explains turning red.

"Who would've thought you were the bottom!" Seamus exclaims while laughing.

If he could, Harry turned even redder.

"Well I do have an exceptionally huge dick." Ron says matter-of-factly.

"Proof?" Seamus asks, before bursting into another fit of laughter.

"That's enough Seamus. Thanks for explaining Harry, but next time maybe make sure to lock the door because i would prefer if I didn't see my mates naked." Dean says.

Harry and Ron nod before Dean and Seamus exit the bedroom, all the while Seamus still laughing.

"Well that was unexpected" Harry says trying to break the awkward tension. 

"Tell me about it," Ron says. "We should do it more often, don't you agree?"

"Um I-," Harry says before stopping to gather his thoughts. "Yes Ron, I would love to do this more often but what about Ginny your sister? We technically are still dating.

"Oh fuck, I forgot all about that." Ron says.

"I think I'll go break the news to her now." Harry says, while putting on his clothes.

He leaves Ron and goes down to the common room to find Ginny.

"Hey Gin," Harry says quietly.

"Oh, Hey Harry!" Ginny says excitedly.

"Can we talk in private?" Harry asks worriedly.

This worries Ginny, so of course she agrees.

Harry leads her up to the boys' dormitory where Ron Is still waiting.

"Hi Ron," Ginny says.

Ron gives her a wave in return while waiting for the unbearable reaction from his little sister.

"Ginny, I brought you here because I need to tell you  something important." Harry starts.

"Which is?" Ginny replies hastily.

"We... we need to break up..." Harry says.

Ginny can feel her tears starting to accumulate in her eyes.

"W-why?" She stutters.

"Ginny it's not you, you're beautiful, talented, smart, anything a guy can dream of. It's not you it's me. I'm..." Harry says before Ginny cuts him off.

"Save it, Harry." She says before walking to the door.

"Ginny stop. Hear what he has to say." Ron butts in.

Ginny stops but doesn't look back at Harry.

"Ginny I'm gay. And I'm in love with Ron." Harry says.

Both Ginny and Ron are taken aback by this. Ron didn't know Harry was in love with him, only that they were experimenting. But Ron couldn't deny he felt the same about Harry.

But Ginny, on the other hand, was furious.

"You're Breaking up with me because you're in love with my BROTHER?" Ginny yells before running out of the dorm.

Ron and Harry give eachother a look both understanding what they were thinking. "Well that didn't go well.."

𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 [𝙧𝙤𝙣 𝙭 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮] ✅Where stories live. Discover now