Chap. One

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As a dragged down the 99th sailor, my three younger sisters, Moana, Marina and Marley, cheered for me

As soon as I was sure the man was dead, I let go and let him sink to the bottom, but it'll soon float up later anyway.

I saw father swim towards us.

"Congratulations Coral, you only need to drown one more sailor to become siren queen."

I smiled, my sisters giggled.

"I wonder who she'll choice as her king?"

Marley laughed.

My other sisters "oooh~"ed at her comment.

I never really thought about it, I wasn't appealed by the thought of sirons.

"I know a cute siron from Narwalreaf!"

Marina joked.

"now now, girls, let her decide by herself. You never know, she might not even want a king."

My father said.

I was so grateful for him. He's the only one keeping me sane.

"a new ship is coming it tomorrow, you can drown the captain of it"

I squealed with excitement, finally, I don't have to drown poor sailors anymore, I honestly feel bad for the poor fellas.

We just continued our day like normal, and went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up extra early to look my finest, I gotta look perfect for my last sailor.

Then, I practiced my singing, everyone in our kingdom thought mine was particularly good, they say I got it from my mother.

As soon as I seen the boat, I set off, my father had told me the plan.

Sit on a rock and lure him in, easy, right?

Well, I was rather wrong.

When I reached the surface, I was about to get on top of the rock when I realised,

The captain was a girl.

The most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

I panicked, and rushed down to inform my father.

"Father! Father!"

I called.

"yes, Coral?"

"the- the captain of the ship."

"what about him?"

"it's a girl!"

My father laughed.

"oh, no worries, you'll be fine, let's just hope she's into girls."

"but- but-"

"don't worry, your mother had to deal with plenty of girls too, you'll do fine, you do have the best siren voice I've ever heard"

"okay, father"

I would've lured her in like any old captain, but, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Was I catching feelings for a sailor?

No, no, I couldn't be, that's not allowed.

I went to check my 374 Rules For Sailor-drowning book.

Okay, let's see...

Falling in love with a sailor...

'Falling in love with a victim is against the Siren code, yet it was broken by Ocean Blue in 1547, she was later executed and her younger sister, Pearl Blue, with given the throne'

Wow, I feel so much better.

Wait, I could just leave Sharksburrow and start a new life in the above world.

Yeah, I'll sit on a near by island so she can find me and rescue me!



Sirons (made up word) - a male siren.

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