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Jace's POV

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Jace's POV

"Mila?" I whisper so quietly I know no one can hear me. Is this real or am I just too fucking high and hallucinating? My mind is foggy, my actions are slow, like they have been for the past few months. All this time without Mila is one big blur. After she left the alley that night, I went out with Austin and got fucking drunk. That same night, I started using drugs again. It's not like I don't deserve the shit I'm going through.

I squint my eyes and see Austin guiding Mila into my direction. Fuck. She's here. She's actually here. I don't know what to do, or how to act. I know trying to cover up the fact that I'm on drugs is no use what so ever. I'm sure Austin has told her everything, otherwise she wouldn't be here. I'm pissed at my best friend for bringing her here, that she had to see what I just did. In fact, I'm getting more agitated by the minute. When they come up to me, all I see is rage. Not paying attention to the love of my life, I pull Austin to the side and give him a rough shove. 

"Are you fucking crazy? You brought here here?" I say angrily, and I'm sure that I'm shouting.

Austin doesn't look amused at all. He gives me a little shove right back and points a finger at my face. "Watch it, Jace. This is how she wanted to do it, and you're going to fucking respect it" he spits back at me. He's right, I know he is. "Take a big breath and talk to her, you fucking idiot" Austin adds. 

I bow my head slightly and do as told, knowing he won't hold my actions from just now against me. He follows me back over to Mila, and for the first time I look at her face. She looks empty, overwhelmed, almost a little scared. All I want is to lunge at her, to embrace her in my arms and smell her scent, but I know I can't do that. 

"It's good to see you, Mila" is all I bring out. Pathetic. I'm pathetic. Mila can't find words to answer, and I don't blame her. 

"Is it okay if I leave the two of you alone, to talk?" Austin asks, directed towards Mila. She nods her head back at him lightly and I can't help but roll my eyes at my best friend. 

"So he acts like your fucking bodyguard now?" I can't help but mutter, as Austin leaves. Why did I just say that? She probably hates me right now.

"He made this happen today, for you. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here" Mila answers quietly, and I can barely hear her over the music. 

I decide to nod back at her. "Can we go somewhere to talk?" I ask her gently. She nods back at me one more time, and I signal her to follow me. My hand finds her waist gently, to guide her outside onto the patio. She tenses at my touch right away, but she thankfully doesn't pull away. It feels amazing to have her near me again and I think I'm still dreaming. We arrive in the warm summer air on the outside patio. I would've loved to talk to her upstairs, but even in my state I figure that she won't want to be alone with me. "I'm sorry you had to see that" I state, once I'm convinced the music is quiet enough for the both of us to understand each other.

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