No Tomorrow

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This promise hurts worse than the lies.
The lies your rotten mouth spills.
Spilling over like the pills you inhale.
Inhale no exhale breathless
undeniably without breath
How dare you take my heart away
Where did I go wrong to let you fall down
So far underground
Suffocate my love with you

No tomorrow said my lover
I shall see no tomorrow
Not another word of an idea forgotten
I do not see the light of something new
Not when everything is rotten

I let myself fall into the delusion
Seeing the bright day
Never seeing the dark night run down your cheek
I hold your hand to my heart and all I can say

No tomorrow for the life of me
You shall see no tomorrow
No longer a romance its now empty
Not another word of an idea forgotten
I can not see the light of something new
Not when everything is rotten

You walked away from me, no you ran
Leaving me to the sinner
A sin named pain
How could you promise me anything when you were too busy choking
Choking on the dirt pouring on you
How could you throw our life down the drain
Send in your complaints to them
Cause I'm done listening to those who leave
I'm done listening to the agony, the torture, your pain

No tomorrow I sing to the depths below
Tell me why I should hope for the sun
For the rain, for the world beneath my feet
Not another broken promise
I hold on so tightly to my someone
My someone who loves me from beyond

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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