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Pictures of dead girls are hang on the walls, in front of one of them Laura notices some flowers and candles. She didn't knew what happened but she was to afraid to ask and get an awful answer.

"Laura!" She turns on her heels and see's Jeremy and Stefan going towards her. "Did Elena got to your house last night?"

"No. I thought she was with you..." She looks at Stefan who shakes his head denying it. She sighs and leads a hand to her hair grabbing it slowly. "Is this the moment you start running of the town because I'm about to expose you?"

"I think she's missing." Jeremy says with a hard look on his eyes. "Her car was parked on the same place, Mrs Lockwood told me."

"I have a class to give..." Laura says raising her eyebrow. "After that, if she's not here, Alaric better run, all of you. Jenna is gonna know."

The girl walks towards the classroom echoing a good morning, while Stefan and Jeremy walk outside.

After the threat, Stefan didn't say anything to his brother about Laura, or she would probably end up dead.


" 'okay, have a good day kiddos."

"Please Mrs Dubois you're almost our age." A student plays with her and she tilts her head.

"That's not a lie." She shakes her head laughing. "Have a good day." She says smiling at the teens. As soon as she finds herself alone, the brunette let out a sigh of concern. She wondered if Stefan and Jeremy had already find Elena.

Walking outside she places her phone with Mrs Forbes number. She looks at it, trying to understand if she should do it or not.

"We found her." Jeremy announces himself walking towards the girl with Bonnie. "Damon and Stefan are going to take her home"

"Do you guys think this is... Normal?" She raised an eyebrow staring at the two.

"I know it's a lot to take... But Sheriff Forbes knows Caroline is also a vampire. And not all of them are bad, I can assure you Laura. You know me..." The brunette sighed at them and looks at the books in her hands.

"I'm heading home. It's good Elena is safe now. Have some rest you two."

Laura walk towards the outside getting to her car and walking in, ready to sit at home reading a book and ignoring the supernatural world.


The brunette washed her face one more time after the horrific dream. Laura was still questioning her mental health, because she hasn't report the situation to anyone, neither talk about this to her mother. Of course she knew the mother wouldn't sit and would travel to Mystic Falls as soon as she could to capture a supernatural creature and revealled her work to the entire Oxford, and the world.

She couldn't take risks. She could see how the people envolved care about the creatures.

Not being able to sit, or stand quiet for too long, the brunette decided to dress a sweatshirt and leggings, and walk a little bit. She wasn't afraid to take a vampire in the middle, she didn't even think about it. All she could think about was to keep her mind fresh.

The girl was walking for some minutes now, and stopped as she saw a man leaving the Gilbert's house. She walks fast towards him. "Who are you?" He looks at her narrowing his eyes analising her.

"I'm Damon. And I'm hungry, don't scream" Laura's eyes widened and before she even has the chance to talk, a slight pain on her neck made her groan and beat the person with her arm getting away from him and touching the part of that was hurting. "Why do you have vervain? Who are you?" He asks adjusting himself after the poisoned blood weakned him.

"You're fucking monster! Stay away from Elena's house, you understand? What do you want from her? Does Stefan knows?" Damon eyes widened at the girl.

"How the hell you know Stefan?" His eyebrows low in realization and he gritted his teeths. "You're Jenna best friend"

"Stay away from this house, and from me. Or I swear... You're not gonna live to see another day." The girl runs towards the direction of her appartment, and noticing he wasn't follow she stopped to get some air, always looking over her shoulder.


On the next day, Laura arrived later at the school, and gave the classes all sitted, trying to hold the headache. She had decide to tell Jenna everything, right after the classes were over and start her research about finding a new job outside the city, or better, away from the country.

As soon as the girl got out of the school, she was faced by the undesirable face of Damon Salvatore. She went straight to her car but he stopped her, catching her arm and looking around.

"Let go of my hand or I'll swear I..."

"Look, Elena's in danger. And we're doing everything to save her life. If you care for her mind your own business and don't expose us. Or else Elena will die." The girl turns to him full of rage.

"What are you going to do with her?"

"Not me. An original vampire is behind her and trust me, we're doing our best. Don't suck it up, if you care about her." Laura could see that the vampire carried honesty in his eyes and some concern. She looks at him and opens her mouth.

"Do you have any plan?"

"We're figuring out." Damon says and take a step back ready to leave.

"Wait!" The vampire stops looking at her. "Why is someone behind her?"

"Trust me, you don't wanna know."

Laura gulps and Damon turns his back to her leaving her full of doubts but with one sure. She would tell Jenna everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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