Explanations to avoid death

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It was a peaceful day on cray, no link joker, no void, no Brandt and no chaos. Everyone lives in peace. In the abandoned ruins of dark zone the gear chronicle are doing their work, just that something happened in the past made them quite sad.

~ten years ago~

We see a man carrying his child out of a ruined portal.

Rive : forget about it chrono, forget the card, units, vanguard, forget everything.

~in the present day on planet cray gear chronicle~

In the ruins of gear chronicle in a workshop, we see three people attending to a broken mortorcycle, steam soldier alu, steam rider burnham and steam worker kuda, fixing burnham mortorcycle from yet another crash.

Kuda : the one day I thought you won't have another crash, why am I not surprised.

Burnham : sorry sorry sorry.

Alu : why hasn't Chronojet set any rules for transportation within the gear chronicle.

Burnham : to tell you the truth, I was thinking about chrono everytime I ride my mortorcycle.

Kuda : I miss that kid.

Alu : who wouldn't.

As a bright light consumed them.

In another place we see a big clearing presumably a meeting room.

Chronojet dragon : with everyone present let us begin the meeting ... sigh

Chrosnoscommand : it's that kid on your mind again right.

Chronojet : sigh yes, I wonder if he is still in danger in the other world.

Chrosnoscommand: *places a hand on his shoulder* believe me when I say I want him back in the clan working with us, but some events cannot be changed without risks. If his happy on the other world without his memories of us then we should also be happy for him.

Chronojet : I guess your right. How fast time flies now it's ten years.

As another bright light consumed them

~in an unknown theatre~

Y/N : That should be it, now time to summon the gear chronicle clan.

As I summoned them to my theatre.

Burnham : WHAT THE HELL.

Chronojet : every calm down, act rationally and don't panic.

Ubaru-tutu : I'm sorry sir but it seems the entire gear chronicle clan is here.

Chronojet turned around and seemed he is right. At that point I made myself known


Ruin disposal : you made us come here right?

Y/N : Sure did.

Ruin disposal : I consider you an enemy die ...

Chronoscommand : calm down ruin disposal let see what he has to say first, I apologise for his violent behaviour.

Y/N : it's ok mr Chrosnoscommand. I am Y/N, I am what you known as a god.

Merianna : like messiah.

Y/N : Yes and no, messiah is god of harmony and creation, I am a god that overlook the multiverse.

Ilku : ah yes, the multiverse, we travel to different world already so don't need explain

Burnham : yes but assuming that big screen works, who are we watching.

Y/N : You ever heard of planet earth.

At the planet being mentioned, a lot of their faces piped up while at the same time carry and aura of depression.

Elul : ah yes that planet where chrono lives am I right.

Y/N : *Claps hands like evolto* BINGO, and that's the person we are reacting today.

Gear chronicle : WHATTTT!

Y/N : Yup and don't worry, happy ending in the end!

Chronojet : how do we know we can trust you.

Y/N : Ah yes, the most common question in the multiverse. You choose, you can trust me and believe whatever is shown or don't trust and see your own reaction afterwards.

Chronojet dragon seems to accept this answer.

Y/N : All right, time to react to him and if your hungry think of the food you want and it will instantly appear.

Next episode : episode 1, Chrono Shindou

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